Status of question mark syntax for missing values

I remember seeing a discussion somewhere about using the syntax T? to mean Union{T,Missing}. What was the outcome of this discussion? I personally find the syntax very clever, and it would help clean up a lot of code where we need to pre-allocate memory with missing values.

buff = Array{Union{T,Missing},2}(undef, 100) where T # too verbose
buff = Array{T?,2}(undef, 100) where T # much cleaner

I remember also that some people started discussing the semantics of T?, and suggested that it could also mean Union{T,Nothing}. I personally find this type not very useful. The only places it shows up are in method signatures with optional arguments, and maybe in optional fields of a struct. The vast majority of applications in the scientific domain seem to handle missing values more often than the ā€œoptionalā€ semantics.

Could you please share your thoughts and plans about this shortcut syntax? Any chance it will make to Julia v1.3?

I am starting to treat missing values seriously in my packages, and my code can become much uglier with the Union{T,Missing} everywhere.

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For a while I was pretty ambivalent about whether we should use T? for Union{T, Nothing} or for Union{T, Missing}. The code I read and write has much more Union{T, Nothing} in it than Union{T, Missing}. However, Iā€™ve come back around to wanting it to mean Union{T, Missing} for one very key reason: we need a way to express lifting of functions to the Union{T, Missing} domain. What I mean by that is that instead of every couple of days getting a new feature request for missing support for the atanh function or whatever, Iā€™d like to just make atanh? lift the atanh function so that it returns missing when any of its arguments are missing. We donā€™t need this feature for nothing since the whole point of nothing is that it doesnā€™t lift, whereas the point of missing is to lift. We might also want a @? macro similar to the @. macro, which annotates all function calls with ? lifting.

How do f? and T? mesh? Quite well, actually, if you view the T constructor as a function that returns values of type Tā€”then T? is a function that returns values of type Union{T, Missing} which is exactly what function lifting is supposed to do. Of course, you still want this to be represented as the union type, Union{T, Missing}, so you just need to make sure that the type, when called, does the lifted version of T. @jameson had some thoughts on this and might be able to say a bit more.


since the whole point of nothing is that it doesnā€™t lift

The point is to ensure it propagates explicitly, tending to poison results uniformly and potentially lift any function over it with explicit syntax

Iā€™m almost ready to reveal my heretical thought that we should define const nothing = missing, and then add all this syntax for it. But perhaps give it another year before I say a bit more.

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An interesting point. If I understand this correctly the question is when would we want an Union{Nothing, Missing} or Union{Nothing, Missing, T}. The only common pattern when it occurs is:

julia> using Missings

julia> x = ["a", "b", missing]
3-element Array{Union{Missing, String},1}:

julia> passmissing(match).(r"a", x)
3-element Array{Any,1}:


Another use of ? syntax (if we decided to go for missing with it) is that then we could print ? (possibly using a different color in REPL) instead of missing when we show tabular data (similarly to the change in the way we now show Bool in some cases).

How about defining ? to be an ordinary function (when itā€™s not used as if)? It would let you use different ? locally (like you can do it with, e.g., *):

let ? = passmissing
    match?.(r"a", x)

It may also be nice to be able define arbitrary lifting functions (say) using unicode combining characters:

const ?Ģƒ = mylift


Any update on this issue? Maybe a GitHub issue tracking the discussion?


Issue opened: