I used StatsPlots.jl to make a series of violin plots, but the final output seems cropped.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
To create a similar data frame:
# create df
df = DataFrame(b = Int[], y =Float32[], a=String[], x=String[])
for k=[5, 10, 15, 20]
for j = 1:100
val1, val2, val3 = randn(3) .+ 0.5 # some calculations to generate val1, val2, val3
push!(df, [k, val1, "High", "string1"])
push!(df, [k, val2, "High", "string2"])
push!(df, [k, val3, "High", "string3"])
val1, val2, val3 = randn(3) .+ 0.5 # some other calculations to generate val1, val2, val3
push!(df, [k, val1, "Low", "string1"])
push!(df, [k, val2, "Low", "string2"])
push!(df, [k, val3, "Low", "string3"])
where the dataframe df
looks like
Row β b y a x
β Int64 Float32 String String
βββ βΌββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ
1 β 5 0.896 High string1
2 β 5 0.884 Low string1
3 β 5 0.828 High string2
4 β 5 0.518 Low string2
5 β 5 0.984 High string3
6 β 5 0.984 Low string3
7 β 5 0.982 High string1
8 β 5 0.98 Low string1
9 β 5 0.516 High string2
10 β 5 0.518 Low string2
11 β 10 0.744 High string3
12 β 10 0.734 Low string3
13 β 10 0.62 High string1
14 β 10 0.642 Low string1
To make the subplots:
p = []
for k = [5, 10, 15, 20]
p1 = @df filter(row -> (row.a == "High") & (row.b == k), df) violin(:x, :y,
side=:left, linewidth=0, size=(800, 800),xtickfontsize=30,ytickfontsize=30,legendfont=font(24),
palette =:Paired_8, label="High")
@df filter(row -> (row.a == "High") & (row.b == k), df) dotplot!(p1, :x, :y,
side=:left, markersize=10, markerstrokewidth=0, palette =:Paired_8, label="")
@df filter(row -> (row.a == "Low") & (row.b == k), df) violin!(p1, :x, :y,
side=:right, linewidth=0,
palette =:Pastel1_3, label="Low")
@df filter(row -> (row.a == "Low") & (row.b == k), df) dotplot!(p1, :x, :y,
side=:right, markersize=10, markerstrokewidth=0, palette =:Paired_8, label="")
ylims!(p1, (0.45,1.05))
push!(p, p1)
plot(p..., layout=(1, 4), size=(4800, 1200))
While each individual plot looks okay, the final output was cropped:
where the x and y ticks were incomplete.
Any help would be much appreciated. Whatβs the possible cause of this? Is there a more idiomatic way of creating such a plot?
Thank you very much!