StatsPlots.jl prints out incomplete subplots


I used StatsPlots.jl to make a series of violin plots, but the final output seems cropped.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

To create a similar data frame:

# create df
df = DataFrame(b = Int[], y =Float32[], a=String[], x=String[]) 
for k=[5, 10, 15, 20]
  for j = 1:100
    val1, val2, val3 = randn(3) .+ 0.5  # some calculations to generate val1, val2, val3
    push!(df, [k, val1, "High", "string1"])
    push!(df, [k, val2, "High", "string2"])
    push!(df, [k, val3, "High", "string3"])

    val1, val2, val3 = randn(3) .+ 0.5  # some other calculations to generate val1, val2, val3
    push!(df, [k, val1, "Low", "string1"])
    push!(df, [k, val2, "Low", "string2"])
    push!(df, [k, val3, "Low", "string3"])

where the dataframe df looks like

 Row β”‚ b        y            a           x        
         β”‚ Int64  Float32  String    String       
─── ┼────────────────────────────────────────
    1   β”‚     5    0.896  High        string1
    2   β”‚     5    0.884  Low         string1
    3   β”‚     5    0.828  High        string2
    4   β”‚     5    0.518  Low         string2
    5   β”‚     5    0.984  High        string3
    6   β”‚     5    0.984  Low         string3
    7   β”‚     5    0.982  High        string1
    8   β”‚     5    0.98    Low         string1
    9   β”‚     5    0.516  High        string2
   10  β”‚     5    0.518  Low        string2
   11  β”‚     10   0.744  High       string3
   12  β”‚     10  0.734  Low        string3
   13  β”‚     10  0.62    High       string1
   14  β”‚     10  0.642  Low        string1

To make the subplots:

p = []
for k = [5, 10, 15, 20]
    p1 = @df filter(row -> (row.a == "High") & (row.b == k), df) violin(:x, :y, 
        side=:left, linewidth=0, size=(800, 800),xtickfontsize=30,ytickfontsize=30,legendfont=font(24),
        palette =:Paired_8, label="High")
    @df filter(row -> (row.a == "High") & (row.b == k), df) dotplot!(p1, :x, :y, 
        side=:left, markersize=10, markerstrokewidth=0, palette =:Paired_8, label="")
    @df filter(row -> (row.a == "Low") & (row.b == k), df) violin!(p1, :x, :y, 
        side=:right, linewidth=0, 
        palette =:Pastel1_3, label="Low")
    @df filter(row -> (row.a == "Low") & (row.b == k), df) dotplot!(p1, :x, :y, 
        side=:right, markersize=10, markerstrokewidth=0, palette =:Paired_8, label="")
    ylims!(p1, (0.45,1.05))
    push!(p, p1)
plot(p..., layout=(1, 4), size=(4800, 1200))

While each individual plot looks okay, the final output was cropped:

where the x and y ticks were incomplete.

Any help would be much appreciated. What’s the possible cause of this? Is there a more idiomatic way of creating such a plot?

Thank you very much!

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Try: using Measures and to add the following keywords to plot: left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=10mm or just margin=10mm


It worked! Thank you!