This is certainly a double-edged sword. As you get more proficient with C/C++ you will know pretty well when to use stack-allocated versus heap-allocated values and what the performance trade-offs are. So it indeed requires more effort to learn and manage, but overall is pretty transparent as the language mandates a lot of implementation details and the effects of the different types of allocations are somewhat predictable in terms of performance, certainly intuitively. So it also becomes more natural to make those trade-offs yourself to get what you want.
Julia’s handling of how values get allocated might also not be too complex, but the interaction with type-stability and related automatic boxing/unboxing muddies the water a bit it seems. And this is were “to change the details as long as it can prove you won’t notice the difference” comes in, as performance can be greatly influenced by too many allocations, which can be influence by type-instabilities, or by use of SVector versus a normal array, or by mutable
versus immutable, etc. So before you even get to the clever optimizations that the compiler does it seems there’s a slew of different higher-level choices to be made which are far more important for resulting performance, but which are not really part of the core Julia language. So here the mental modal of e.g. allocations happening in your code appears to be quite a bit more complex. Even though the Julia compiler will do a lot more clever things it also becomes more opaque and less predictable IMO. Case in point are my questions on the StaticArrays types as noted above, but looking at their docs once more I really think no guarantees are given, so the only option is to try them and see what comes out? Btw, all this certainly has to do with far less experience I have with Julia compared to C++.