State of PlotlyJS and support packages

julia> using PlotlyJS,ElectronDisplay

julia> x=0:π/56:2π; plot(scatter(;x=x, y=cos.(x)), Layout(;xaxis_title="x", yaxis_title="cos(x)"))

pops up a new window

Subsequent plots will be added to the same window. Other than this I’m not aware of differences between Blink and ElectronDisplay as a display for PlotlyJS, hovering, zooming etc work also in ElectronDisplay.

Blink might be used for other things than PlotlyJS as well, but as far as it concerns users of PlotlyJS one could rather focus on maintaining ElectronDisplay instead of Blink. The PlotlyJS docs mention only Blink.jl. ElectronDisplay.jl should be added or replace Blink.jl.