State of PlotlyJS and support packages

In my humble opinion, PlotlyJS is a remarkable piece of software. I taught two macroeconomic courses in the previous academic year (the undergrad course here and a master’s here) using the reactivity of Pluto and the interactivity of PlotlyJS, to students who had never had one hour of computation before. Last year, the course involved around 200 students, and I plan to use it again this year (around 300 students).

In particular, the undergrad students were thrilled about the experience of opening a notebook, plotting data, hovering over small details in a plot (using either x or y modes), zooming in/out, and so on. I was expecting trouble here, as I had never taught this kind of material to undergrads in economics. Instead, I got students fascinated by what a simple computer, a marvelous programming language, and no more than 20 packages can do for them. I am pretty sure that the kind of teaching materials the students had access to would not have been available without PlotlyJS. I should also thank @disberd for providing a workaround to make PlotlyJS a perfect match for Pluto here and here. I must confess that I tried four other plotting packages, but for the kind of teaching materials I was looking for, PlotlyJS was far more competent and versatile than the others.

So, I will be highly disappointed if PlotlyJS is pushed gradually into the department of abandonware. If that happens, I think the Julia community will also be affected somehow, either because many use the plotlyjs backend in Plots.jl to benefit from the interactivity the package allows or because they have a particular job to do (like me) in which PlotlyJS excels.

I hope @sglyon can find some spare time to allocate to the maintenance of his marvelous piece of software or that @disberd will find a way to develop the PlutoPlotly.jl package further. I can not be of much help, as my programming skills are mediocre. As a user, I must do justice to what we can achieve with a fantastic plotting package in the Julia system: PlotlyJS.