Trying to make a plot that includes Geom.line, Geom.vband, and Stat.xticks. Without Stat.xticks, it works fine. When I add Stat.xticks, I get: “Error showing value of type Plot:
ERROR: The following aesthetics are required by RectangularBinGeometry but are not defined: ymin, ymax”
Here is a minimal example:
using Gadfly, DataFrames
df = DataFrame(x = 0:10, y = (0:10) .^ 2)
tickpos = [x for x in 0:2:8] # tick positions
linelyr = layer(df, x=:x, y=:y, Geom.line)
dr = DataFrame(s=[1, 4], e=[3, 5])
rectlyr = layer(dr, xmin=:s, xmax=:e, Geom.vband,
color=[colorant"deepskyblue"], alpha=[0.5])
plot(linelyr, rectlyr, Stat.xticks(ticks = tickpos))
I thought I would post here before reporting this as a bug, I suspect the error is mine.