When I load Stan.jl, I receive the following message:
WARNING: using Stan.CMDSTAN_HOME in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
I had created a .juliarc.jl file containing the statement:
CMDSTAN_HOME = “C:\Users\USERNAME\CmdStan” (I’m using Windows 10)
as stated in the Stan.jl documentation for setting up CmdStan.
What does this warning mean and is there a way to fix it? Considering it’s a warning and not an error, do I need to be concerned with it at all?
Looking at the Stan.jl source code, I think this probably isn’t something you need to worry about. But I think you can make the error go away by setting an environment variable rather than creating a global Julia variable. That would mean changing your .juliarc.jl command to:
does that work? And does it get rid of the warning?
Robin - your suggestion did remove the warning message, thanks.
Rob - I got errors when I ran Pkg.test(“Stan”). When that command is executed, is it running the same model as used in the walkthrough example provided in the documentation? I was trying to run that code in a Jupyter notebook and was receiving errors - I think the same as I had gotten with Pkg.test(“Stan”).