I’ve recently adopted Julia to analyze some sensor data recorded in a *.csv file.
I used the code shown below to plot a subset of my data, however the last code block to plot the data fails with the following error:
[1] add_sym!(::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Char, ::NTuple{11,Symbol}) at /home/bjoern/.julia/packages/StatsPlots/6bINV/src/df.jl:181 (repeats 79984 times)
using Plots
using CSV
using DataFrames
using StatsPlots
df = CSV.read("./log_2020-09-24_19-04.csv") |> DataFrame
df |> @df begin
plot(:t0, :d0)
The used data frame has a size of 142 rows × 11 columns; if needed I can supply some sample data.
If somebody encountered this error before any help would be appreciated.
Updating the packages didn’t actually fix it. I just thought it had, cause I switched over to a log file with simplified column headers to build a MWE.
When using a DataFrame with the same data, but the following names(df) output, the code still fails:
I don’t really understand what’s the reason for this behaviour, but replacing the blank with an _ in the csv file and using :RPM_revolutions_per_minute fixes the problem.