Stacked bar graphs

Like this:

df |>
    x={:Sex, title=nothing},
    y={:Freq, title=nothing}, 
    color={:Eye, title=nothing}, 
    column={:Hair, title=nothing}

The trick is that you now pass a composite value in curly brackets {} to x etc., and then you can configure more details there. All the config options for axis title are described here.

I think you need to configure your scales a bit for that. It might be enough to configure the scale to not try to come up with nice numbers on the axis like this (documented here):

 df |>
  @vlplot(:bar, x=:Sex, y={:Freq, scale={nice=false}}, color=:Eye, column=:Hair)

But you might also have to additionally configure your domain:

 df |>
    y={:Freq, scale={domain=[0,100], nice=false}},
    color=:Eye, column=:haircut_woman

I’m not entirely sure why this doesn’t work automatically. I suspect, that maybe there is a small numerical rounding error that pushes some value just slightly above 100, and then vega-lite thinks it needs to extend the axis or something like that…

You can specify a sort property for the encoding, documented here:

 df |>
    column={:haircut_woman, sort=["Red", "Blond", "Brown", "Black"]}
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