Well, maybe “reversible” is not quite the right word.
I was suprised this doesn’t work.
julia> x=splitpath(raw"c:\foo\bar\baz")
4-element Array{String,1}:
julia> joinpath(x)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching joinpath(::Array{String,1})
Closest candidates are:
joinpath(::AbstractString) at path.jl:244
joinpath(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString...) at path.jl:249
[1] top-level scope at REPL[2]:1
Shouldn’t it ?
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Perhaps it should.
However you can splat the vector of path components:
Yes, I’ve wanted that method on more than one occasion.
very cool, i think i saw that at one point but had forgotten about it.
still, it’s very intuitive to expect joinpath to work on a vector of strings.
Maybe my first Julia PR ? 
Ideally whatever works for vectors should work for iterable collections. Unfortunately, that conflicts with joinpath(::AbstractString)
I would recommend using reduce(joinpath, ...)
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One can define a joinpath(a)
method with no type annotation and let the string-specialized methods handle the case where the argument is a string. Of course, totally unspecialized methods like that are a bit troublesome (and one of the big motivations for some kind of interface concept in the language so that we can dispatch on whether a thing is meant to iterate strings or not). But I think it would be fine.