Speeding up a function

Hi Elrod,

Thanks, yes, I did move the inbounds inside now. Thank you!

You are right, I actually overlooked this and have gotten wrong results since I abandoned code which used something like this mask

@threads for i in 1:length(market_ids)
        mask = market_ids .== i
        @views num[mask,:] .= num[mask, :] ./ (sum(num[mask,:],dims = 1) .+1)

in the function foo.

So maybe I will have to do something like this. I apply foo_t now simultaneously to both, because it really is all of the subsetting that uses computing time a ton.

function foo_t!(num1, num2,market_ids)
    ni = size(num1,1)
    Threads.@threads  for id ∈ unique(market_ids)
        mask = market_ids .== id
        @inbounds for i in 1:ni
            @views s1 = sum(num1[i,mask]) + 1
            @views s2 = sum(num2[i,mask]) + 1
            @views num1[i, mask] .= num1[i,mask] ./ s1
            @views num2[i, mask] .= num2[i,mask] ./ s2
function bar_t!(mat_1_t,randvar_nu_t,delta)
    ni,nj = size(mat_1_t)
    Threads.@threads for j ∈ 1:nj
        @turbo for i ∈ 1:ni
            mat_1_t[i,j] =  exp(randvar_nu_t[i,j] + delta[j] )
@views function mean_t!(vec_1,mat_1_t)
    Threads.@threads for j ∈ eachindex(vec_1)
        vec_1[j] = mean(mat_1_t[:,j]) 
function predict_shares_bern_t(delta, randvar_nu_t, randvar_nu_inattention_t, mat_1_t, mat_2_t, vec_1, vec_2, market_ids, nu_bern)
    foo_t!(mat_1_t, mat_2_t, market_ids)

    ee = (exp(nu_bern)/(1+exp(nu_bern)))
    vec_1 .= vec_1 .* ee + vec_2 .* (1 - ee)
    return vec_1

This gives me the following performance with 8 threads:

I was thinking about supplying a bit vector to keep overwriting, but it doesn’t work with having Threads.@threads on the outer loop in foo_t!, which makes sense.

β†’ Fundamental rule of optimization : have a solid way to assess the result correctness before entering the optimization process.

BTW I did try to make this assessment ( @assert s1 β‰ˆ sxxx)

I do not have time to understand what your code is doing but I guess that you can take away some hints (allocation, profile, LoopVectorization,…) to continue your optimization journey.

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Yes, I will use what I have learnt. I used @assert too but somehow it always gave me positive answers. I don’t know why :confused: . Next time I will use results1 == results2 to be safe, which is what I did at the end of the day.

I learnt a lot from you, thanks!

The pb with the strict equality is that it forbids to use parallel reductions. Floating points arithmetic is not associative and a sum on vector of floats will produces different results depending on the algorithm (parallel or not). This does not mean that the parallel result is less accurate than a naive sequential loop (it is usually more accurate) but it emphasis the finite accuracy of FP operations.

P.S. just to avoid a confusion : this does not mean that the previous parallel code is correct. If threads concurrently write to the same memory location then you (may) obtain totally wrong and non deterministic results (data races)

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