Speed up JuMP.jl Estimation When Jacobian and Hessian of Constraints are Sparse

Hi guys, in last questions (link is shown below), I asked how to supply gradient of objective and jacobian of constraints in nonlinear optimization. But @odow told me I dont have to do that because JuMP.jl will automatically calculate them and feed them to Ipopt.jl. However, my model still runs slowly. So I show my code to find any opportunities to speed up.

Thanks for your help.

# ******************************************************** #
# ******************************************************** #
using Base.Threads
using Random, Distributions, Statistics
using LinearAlgebra, LogExpFunctions
using JuMP, Ipopt, ForwardDiff
const seed = Random.seed!(2023 - 11 - 24)

# ******************************************************** #
#                      DATA GENERATION                     #
# ******************************************************** #

Ps = 25 # number of products
Mkts = 40 # number of markets
Inds = 100 # number of individuals in each market
vcovXc = [
	[1, -0.8, 0.3] [-0.8, 1, 0.3] [0.3, 0.3, 1]
E𝛽 = [-1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5, -3.0] # πœƒ1
πœŽπ›½ = sqrt.([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2])  # πœƒ2
𝛽i = rand(seed, MvNormal(πœŽπ›½), Inds)

struct Market
	J::Int64         # number of products
	𝑃::AbstractVector{<:Real} # price vector, [J, 1]
	Xc::AbstractMatrix{<:Real} # observed product characteristics, [J, B]
	share::AbstractVector{<:Real} # market share exluding outshare, [J, 1]
	v::AbstractMatrix{<:Real} # simulated individuals, [B, Inds]
	iv::AbstractMatrix{<:Real} # instrumental variables

d = Vector{Market}(undef, Mkts);
Xc = rand(seed, MvNormal(vcovXc), Ps)'
	for mkt ∈ eachindex(d)
		πœ‰, e = randn(seed, Ps), randn(seed, Ps)

		price = abs.(0.5 * πœ‰ + e + 1.1 * sum(Xc; dims = 2)[:])
		Z = rand(seed, Ps, 6) .+ 0.25 * (e + 1.1 * sum(Xc; dims = 2)[:])
		IV = hcat(ones(Ps), Z, Xc, Z .^ 2, Z .^ 3, Xc .^ 2, Xc .^ 3, sum(Z; dims = 2), sum(Xc; dims = 2), kron(Xc[:, 1], ones(size(Z, 1))') * Z, kron(Xc[:, 2], ones(size(Z, 1))') * Z)

		X = hcat(ones(Ps), Xc, price)
		U = X * E𝛽 .+ X * 𝛽i
		denom = 1 .+ sum(exp.(U); dims = 1)
		pchoice = exp.(U) ./ denom
		share = mean(pchoice; dims = 2)[:]
		out_share = 1 - sum(share)
		v = rand(seed, MvNormal(ones(size(X, 2))), Inds)
		d[mkt] = Market(Ps, price, Xc, share, out_share, v, IV)
# ======================================================== #
#                        ESTIMATION                        #
# ======================================================== #
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, theta2[1:length(πœŽπ›½)], start = 1.0)
@variable(model, theta1[1:length(E𝛽)])
πœ‰ = Vector{Vector{VariableRef}}(undef, Mkts)
for mkt in 1:Mkts
	πœ‰[mkt] =  @variable(model, [1:Ps], base_name = "πœ‰$(mkt)")

pXc = Vector{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, Mkts)
for m in 1:Mkts
	pXc[m] = hcat(ones(d[m].J), d[m].Xc, d[m].𝑃)

πœ‡ = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], pXc[m] * Diagonal(theta2) * d[m].v);
𝛿 = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], pXc[m] * theta1 .+ πœ‰[m]);
π‘ˆ = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], 𝛿[m] .+ πœ‡[m]);
expπ‘ˆ = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], exp.(π‘ˆ[m]));
denom = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], mapreduce(x -> 1 + sum(x), hcat, eachcol(expπ‘ˆ[m])));
pchoice = @expression(model, [m = 1:Mkts], expπ‘ˆ[m] ./ denom[m]);
share_eq = @constraint(model, [m = 1:Mkts, p = 1:Ps], mean(pchoice[m][p, :]) == d[m].share[p]);
πœ‰_vec = @expression(model, reduce(vcat, πœ‰))
IV = reduce(vcat, getproperty.(d, :iv))
𝛷 = IV' * IV

EM = @expression(model, mean(IV .* πœ‰_vec; dims = 1));
obj = @expression(model, EM * 𝛷 * EM');
@objective(model, Min,  obj[1, 1]);

This is a rather nasty example that stresses a lot of JuMP. Your constraints are pretty dense!

I’ll take a look, but you might want to investigate alternative modeling packages, like those mentioned in your other thread.

many thanks to your attention! :grinning::grinning::grinning: I will try use NLPModels.jl.

The issue is this function in the constraints:

function foo(X::Matrix)
    U = exp.(X)
    d = 1 .+ sum(U; dims = 1)
    return Statistics.mean(U ./ d; dims = 2)[:]

JuMP doesn’t have vector-valued nonlinear functions, so we scalarize, and then you end up with Mkts nonlinear equality constraints, each of which is dense.

I tried a few things without success. Here’s one approach:

using JuMP
import Distributions
import Ipopt
import LinearAlgebra
import Random
import Statistics

const seed = Random.seed!(2023 - 11 - 24)

# ******************************************************** #
#                      DATA GENERATION                     #
# ******************************************************** #

Ps = 25
Mkts = 40
Inds = 100
vcovXc = [[1, -0.8, 0.3] [-0.8, 1, 0.3] [0.3, 0.3, 1]]
E𝛽 = [-1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5, -3.0]
πœŽπ›½ = sqrt.([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2])
𝛽i = rand(seed, Distributions.MvNormal(πœŽπ›½), Inds)
Xc = rand(seed, Distributions.MvNormal(vcovXc), Ps)'

struct Market

function compute_pchoice(U::Matrix)
    expU = exp.(U)
    denom = mapreduce(x -> 1 + sum(x), hcat, eachcol(expU))
    return expU ./ denom

d = Vector{Market}(undef, Mkts);
    for mkt in 1:Mkts
        πœ‰, e = randn(seed, Ps), randn(seed, Ps)
        price = abs.(0.5 * πœ‰ + e + 1.1 * sum(Xc; dims = 2)[:])
        Z = rand(seed, Ps, 6) .+ 0.25 * (e + 1.1 * sum(Xc; dims = 2)[:])
        IV = hcat(
            Z .^ 2,
            Z .^ 3,
            Xc .^ 2,
            Xc .^ 3,
            sum(Z; dims = 2),
            sum(Xc; dims = 2),
            kron(Xc[:, 1], ones(size(Z, 1))') * Z,
            kron(Xc[:, 2], ones(size(Z, 1))') * Z,
        X = hcat(ones(Ps), Xc, price)
        U = X * E𝛽 .+ X * 𝛽i
        pchoice = compute_pchoice(U)
        share = Statistics.mean(pchoice; dims = 2)[:]
        out_share = 1 - sum(share)
        v = rand(seed, Distributions.MvNormal(ones(size(X, 2))), Inds)
        d[mkt] = Market(Ps, price, Xc, share, out_share, v, IV)
pXc = [hcat(ones(d[m].J), d[m].Xc, d[m].𝑃) for m in 1:Mkts]

IV = reduce(vcat, getproperty.(d, :iv))
𝛷 = IV' * IV

# ======================================================== #
#                        ESTIMATION                        #
# ======================================================== #

@time begin
    model = direct_model(Ipopt.Optimizer())
    @variable(model, theta2[1:length(πœŽπ›½)], start = 1.0)
    @variable(model, theta1[1:length(E𝛽)], start = 0.0)
    @variable(model, πœ‰[1:Ps, 1:Mkts], start = 0.0)
    function foo(X::Matrix)
        U = exp.(X)
        d = 1 .+ sum(U; dims = 1)
        return Statistics.mean(U ./ d; dims = 2)[:]
    for m in 1:Mkts
        πœ‡ = pXc[m] * LinearAlgebra.Diagonal(theta2) * d[m].v
        𝛿 = @expression(model, pXc[m] * theta1 .+ πœ‰[:, m])
        @constraint(model, foo(𝛿 .+ πœ‡) .== d[m].share)
    # @expression(model, EM, Statistics.mean(IV .* vec(πœ‰); dims = 1)[:])
    M, N = size(IV)
    @variable(model, EM[1:N])
    @constraint(model, [i in 1:N], M * EM[i] == IV[:, i]' * vec(πœ‰))
    # obj = @expression(model, EM * 𝛷 * EM');
    # @objective(model, Min,  obj[1, 1]);
    @variable(model, residuals[1:M])
    @constraint(model, residuals .== IV * EM)
    @objective(model, Min, sum(residuals.^2));
    @info "Calling optimize"

Ipopt runs into a bunch of The equality constraints contain an invalid number errors. You should add appropriate bounds to theta2 and theta1.

Thanks. Its OK. I will check the mathematical model and the code. If I find the answer some day, I will post it in this thread. Thank you.

Just FYI, if you need to construct sparse Jacobians and Hessians to feed to JuMP because its own internal AD struggles, you can use SparseDiffTools.jl or the (still experimental) DifferentiationInterface.jl.

Hi @Strange_Xue !

If you plan on passing manually the Jacobian and Hessian derivatives, then you could use ManualNLPModels.

using ManualNLPModels, NLPModelsIpopt
nlp = NLPModel(x, lvar, uvar, f; kwargs...) # to be completed, https://jso.dev/ManualNLPModels.jl/dev/reference/#ManualNLPModels.NLPModel
stats = ipopt(nlp)

You could use AD indeed, ADNLPModels makes the bridge for you to use ipopt, but I am suspecting that if it is difficult for JuMP this might not improve much.

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