Specify AsTable output column names

Can I specify the name of the output column?

using DataFrames, Chain
@chain DataFrame(a=[1,2,3,1,2,3], b=[:x, :y, :z, :x, :y, :x]) begin
combine(:b=>unique=>:b, :b => (b->mean.(map(b₀->b₀.==b, unique(b)))) => AsTable)
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b       x1      
     │ Int64  Symbol  Float64 
   1 │     1  x           1.0
   2 │     2  y           1.0
   3 │     3  z           0.5
   4 │     3  x           0.5

Yes you just need to return a “table” with column names.

With a named tuple:

combine(:b=>unique=>:b, :b => (b->(; c=mean.(map(b₀->b₀.==b, unique(b))))) => AsTable)

With a Dict:

combine(:b=>unique=>:b, :b => (b->Dict(:c=>mean.(map(b₀->b₀.==b, unique(b))))) => AsTable)

Additionally in this case just the following works:

julia> @chain DataFrame(a=[1,2,3,1,2,3], b=[:x, :y, :z, :x, :y, :x]) begin
       combine(:b=>unique=>:b, :b => (b->mean.(map(b₀->b₀.==b, unique(b)))) => :output)
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b       output
     │ Int64  Symbol  Float64
   1 │     1  x           1.0
   2 │     2  y           1.0
   3 │     3  z           0.5
   4 │     3  x           0.5

or - if indeed you produce a table and want to give new names for its columns use:

julia> @chain DataFrame(a=[1,2,3,1,2,3], b=[:x, :y, :z, :x, :y, :x]) begin
       combine(:b=>unique=>:b, :b => (b->mean.(map(b₀->b₀.==b, unique(b)))) => [:output])
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b       output
     │ Int64  Symbol  Float64
   1 │     1  x           1.0
   2 │     2  y           1.0
   3 │     3  z           0.5
   4 │     3  x           0.5

(the latter is more useful if you had more than one column - for a single vector the former is sufficient)

What @sijo proposed is a general solution if you want AsTable as a target and want to specify the column names within a transformation function.