function f(a, b)
temp = do_something_expensive(a)
do_other_thing(temp, b)
I like writing scalar functions because they don’t obscure the logic with additional loops. But in this case, do_something_expensive can bite me performance-wise if I broadcast over a scalar a and a vector b:
# runs do_something_expensive on a_scalar for every b in b_vector
f.(a_scalar, b_vector)
Can one overload broadcasting for the case where a is a scalar and b is a vector in order to only run do_something_expensive once? Or would it make more sense to make another method for scalar and vector arguments and use that instead? I kind of like to just expose one scalar method to the user and do intelligent things in the background if it’s used in broadcasted style.
Yes, this is possible by overloading Base.broadcasted specifically for f:
julia> do_something_expensive(x) = (println("don't run me twice!"); x)
do_something_expensive (generic function with 1 method)
julia> do_other_thing(x, y) = (println("this is fine"); (x, y))
do_other_thing (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function f(a, b)
temp = do_something_expensive(a)
do_other_thing(temp, b)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function Base.broadcasted(::typeof(f), a::Number, b::AbstractVector)
temp = do_something_expensive(a)
return Base.broadcasted(do_other_thing, temp, b)
julia> f.(1, 1:3)
don't run me twice!
this is fine
this is fine
this is fine
3-element Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}:
(1, 1)
(1, 2)
(1, 3)
Whether this is a good idea is another question though. This approach does make it more obfuscated to see what’s actually going on, so perhaps you just want to have the user call do_something_expensive and do_other_thing themselves.
In this case the user is myself but I see your point For example f can be a projection function project(scene, point) which needs to precompute some matrix depending on scene, but it shouldn’t do that anew for every point I want to project.
That seems like a reasonable use of specializing Base.broadcasted: it sounds like you just want to optimize the computation without changing behavior. There are lots of examples of specializations like this in Base (e.g. specializing map(vcat, array_of_arrays) for efficient array concatenation).
project = projection(scene) # create projector object or function
p = project(point)
and then
p = project.(points)
I would prefer that way of organizing the calculation. That way you can create several projectors for different scenes and pass them around, for example.