I also created a C program and it does the right thing, i.e. it sees the argument as a single argument.
So I’m unsure where to go from here. Julia-under-windows thing ? In this particular case i can simply make sure that the file name is the last argument accumulate all the strings and join them with a space.
Just wondering if this is a true julia issue or i’m doing something silly.
turns out a nice way to handle this is to use the following set-up for the argument:
arg_type = String
default = [""]
nargs = '+'
then just do join(args[“argname”], " ") to get the full filename back. However, in the pathological case where there is a ‘-’ after the space it breaks again since ArgParse can only collect strings until it thinks it sees another option.
interesting. That made me wonder if this is some weird behavior due to running in a cygwin shell. so i ran it from a windows “cmd” prompt (which i should have thought of originally) and the problem goes away.
So this behavior due to the cygwin shell.
– changed the title since this didn’t have anything to do with ArgParse