What’s a way to get the sourcecode location of a struct definition?
julia> which(Rational, (Int64, Int64))
(::Type{Rational})(n::T, d::T) where T<:Integer in Base at rational.jl:21
julia> which(Main, :Rational)
What’s a way to get the sourcecode location of a struct definition?
julia> which(Rational, (Int64, Int64))
(::Type{Rational})(n::T, d::T) where T<:Integer in Base at rational.jl:21
julia> which(Main, :Rational)
AFAIK there is no functionality for this yet, but you can try the constructor which may just take you to the struct
if there are no outer constructors, or it will be really close for most code. Eg
@edit Rational(1, 1)
(in your example, you are after the outer constructor anyway)