Some problem when optimizing the ODEProblem parameters

Use ModelingToolkit.jl to build ODEproblem and Optimization respectively to optimize the parameters of ODEproblem with the following code:

using ModelingToolkit, Optimization, ComponentArrays
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using OptimizationOptimisers

@mtkmodel FOL begin
    @parameters begin
        b # parameters
    @variables begin
        x(t) # dependent variables
    @equations begin
        D(x) ~ (1 - x) / a + b

@mtkbuild fol = FOL()
prob = ODEProblem(fol, [fol.x => 0.0], (1.0, 10.0), [fol.a => 3.0, fol.b => 4.0])
sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=1.0)

@variables begin
    vs[1:2] = [3.0, 4.0] # , [bounds = (-2.0, 2.0)]
x_axes = getaxes(ComponentVector(a=1, b=2))
@parameters st=0.0

v1 = 1:10
target =  @.((v1 - (v1^2)/2)/3.0+4.0*v1)
loss = begin
    params = ComponentVector(vs, x_axes)
    new_prob = remake(prob, u0=[fol.x => st], p=[fol.a => params[:a], fol.b => params[:b]])
    sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(new_prob, Tsit5(), saveat=1.0)
    sol_u = [v[1] for v in sol.u]
    sum(abs.(target .- sol_u))

@mtkbuild sys = OptimizationSystem(loss, vs, [st]) # , constraints=cons
u0 = [vs[1] => 3.0
    vs[2] => 4.0]
prob = OptimizationProblem(sys,
solve(prob, OptimizationOptimisers.Adam(), maxiters=10)

Then the code gets this error

ERROR: MethodError: promote_rule(::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{DiffEqBase.OrdinaryDiffEqTag, Num}, Num, 1}}, ::Type{Num}) is ambiguous.

  promote_rule(::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{T, V, N}}, ::Type{R}) where {T, V, N, R<:Real}
    @ ForwardDiff D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\ForwardDiff\PcZ48\src\dual.jl:428
  promote_rule(::Type{<:Number}, ::Type{<:Num})
    @ Symbolics D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\Symbolics\Eas9m\src\num.jl:97

Possible fix, define
  promote_rule(::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{T, V, N}}, ::Type{R}) where {T, V, N, R<:Num}

 [1] promote_type(::Type{Num}, ::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{DiffEqBase.OrdinaryDiffEqTag, Num}, Num, 1}})
   @ Base .\promotion.jl:313
 [2] promote_eltype(::Type{Vector{Num}}, ::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{…}, Num, 1}})
   @ ArrayInterface D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\ArrayInterface\NIzGA\src\ArrayInterface.jl:114
 [3] wrapfun_iip(ff::Function, inputs::Tuple{Vector{…}, Vector{…}, ModelingToolkit.MTKParameters{…}, Float64})
   @ DiffEqBase D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\DiffEqBase\NaUtB\src\norecompile.jl:59
 [4] promote_f(f::ODEFunction{…}, ::Val{…}, u0::Vector{…}, p::ModelingToolkit.MTKParameters{…}, t::Float64)
   @ DiffEqBase D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\DiffEqBase\NaUtB\src\solve.jl:1260
 [5] get_concrete_problem(prob::ODEProblem{…}, isadapt::Bool; kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
   @ DiffEqBase D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\DiffEqBase\NaUtB\src\solve.jl:1173
 [6] solve_up(prob::ODEProblem{…}, sensealg::Nothing, u0::Vector{…}, p::ModelingToolkit.MTKParameters{…}, args::Tsit5{…}; kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
   @ DiffEqBase D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\DiffEqBase\NaUtB\src\solve.jl:1074
 [7] solve(prob::ODEProblem{…}, args::Tsit5{…}; sensealg::Nothing, u0::Nothing, p::Nothing, wrap::Val{…}, kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
   @ DiffEqBase D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\DiffEqBase\NaUtB\src\solve.jl:1003
 [8] top-level scope
   @ f:\julia\DeepFlex.jl\test\pkgs\test_tmk_opt.jl:35
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

In addition varmap_to_vars to construct new parameters (the rest remains the same), see below:

loss = begin
    params = ComponentVector(vs, x_axes)
    # unew = [fol.x => st]
    # pnew = [fol.a => params[:a], fol.b => params[:b]]
    unew = ModelingToolkit.varmap_to_vars([fol.x => st], unknowns(fol))
    pnew = ModelingToolkit.MTKParameters(sys, [fol.a => params[:a], fol.b => params[:b]], unew)
    new_prob = remake(prob, u0=unew, p=pnew)
    sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(new_prob, Tsit5(), saveat=1.0)
    sol_u = [v[1] for v in sol.u]
    sum(abs.(target .- sol_u))

However, the following problems also arise:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching AbstractFloat(::Type{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}})

Closest candidates are:
   @ Base float.jl:264
   @ Base float.jl:272
   @ Base float.jl:271

 [1] float(x::Type)
   @ Base .\float.jl:294
 [2] promote_to_concrete(vs::Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}}; tofloat::Bool, use_union::Bool)
   @ ModelingToolkit D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\ModelingToolkit\kByuD\src\utils.jl:634
 [3] varmap_to_vars(varmap::Vector{…}, varlist::Vector{…}; defaults::Dict{…}, check::Bool, toterm::Function, promotetoconcrete::Nothing, tofloat::Bool, use_union::Bool)
   @ ModelingToolkit D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\ModelingToolkit\kByuD\src\variables.jl:163
 [4] varmap_to_vars(varmap::Vector{Pair{Num, Num}}, varlist::Vector{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}})
   @ ModelingToolkit D:\software\Julia-1.10.0\pkg\packages\ModelingToolkit\kByuD\src\variables.jl:125
 [5] top-level scope
   @ f:\julia\DeepFlex.jl\test\pkgs\test_tmk_opt.jl:37
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

Hopefully someone can solve my problem

Here is a version of your code that runs:

using ModelingToolkit, Optimization, ComponentArrays
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using OptimizationOptimisers

@mtkmodel FOL begin
    @parameters begin
        b # parameters
    @variables begin
        x(t) # dependent variables
    @equations begin
        D(x) ~ (1 - x) / a + b

@mtkbuild fol = FOL()
prob = ODEProblem(fol, [fol.x => 0.0], (1.0, 10.0), [fol.a => 3.0, fol.b => 4.0])
sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=1.0)

    vs = [3.0, 4.0] # , [bounds = (-2.0, 2.0)]
x_axes = getaxes(ComponentVector(a=1, b=2))

v1 = 1:10
target =  @.((v1 - (v1^2)/2)/3.0+4.0*v1)
function loss(vs, st)
    params = ComponentVector(vs, x_axes)
    new_prob = remake(prob, u0=[fol.x => st], p=[fol.a => params[:a], fol.b => params[:b]])
    sol = OrdinaryDiffEq.solve(new_prob, Tsit5(), saveat=1.0)
    sol_u = sol[1,:]
    return sum(abs.(target .- sol_u))

u0 = [3.0, 4.0]
optfun = OptimizationFunction(loss, Optimization.AutoForwardDiff())
optprob = OptimizationProblem(optfun,
solve(optprob, OptimizationOptimisers.Adam(), maxiters=10)

The changes that were needed are:

  • vs and st should be Float64s and not abstract parameters.
  • the variable prob was first the ODE and then the optimisation problem (but still used in remake).
  • The loss function is too complicated to be expressed as a symbolic term, so, you cannot carry abstract parameters all the way through it. That is still fine, as you can use automatic differentiation to get the derivatives, but it doesn’t work as you planned to do it.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your help, the code you gave does work and get the calculation results, but I prefer to be able to use ModelingToolkit to automatically calculate the gradient of the problem when building ODEProblem, I have tried a similar calculation method to your code, but there are some problems in my project, so I rebuilt the above code to test its feasibility. But from your suggestion, I don’t feel that this way is feasible either, so I will continue to consider other options. Finally, thank you very much for your advice.

Yeah, I think there was work on deriving the sensitivity equations on a symbolic level, but as far as I know it is not done yet. See

You might already tried it, but you can get the adjoint equations with this package:

(The adjoint ODE computes the derivative of a loss with respect to parameters. It’s mathematically kind of the ‘symbolic derivative’, which you can get to compute this gradient.)

I haven’t tried this method yet, I will give it a try, thanks for the advice :grinning:

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