Some doubts about types

You can do Ajk = ...some SMatrix.. and then do A[3j-2:3j, 3k-3:3k] = Ajk to write the Smatrix into the “flat” array A in-place.

You can do this by dot(Rm, Alpha[jj] .* Rm) or Rm' * (Alpha[jj] .* Rm)without constructing the Diagonal matrix.

Note also that you can just do foo' instead of transpose(foo) — the two are equivalent for real vectors like your coordinate vectors here.

If you’ve done things correctly, you shouldn’t need the SMatrix(...) constructor here… the matrix expression should already give an SMatrix (because it’s built out of SMatrix expressions like rjkhat * rjkhat').

(You can add a type assertion ::SMatrix at the end of the expression if you want to check that you did this correctly. A type assertion will throw an error if the expression is not the expected type, but is eliminated at compile-time if the expression has the correct type and type-inference succeeds.)