I’m trying to port to julia some python code that produces this:
ind0: [[0 2 4 6]
[0 1 4 5]
[0 1 2 3]]
ind1: [[1 3 5 7]
[2 3 6 7]
[4 5 6 7]]
For a range of 0:7, the code produces 2 2d arrays. For any value j in that range, that value is in ind[i,:] if j has a 1 in bit position i. So the 1st row of ind1 is all values that have a 1 in bit0, the second row of ind1 is all values that have a 1 in bit1…
I tried this code:
function gen_ind(_size, bits)
all_syms = Array(0:_size-1)
all_bits = Array(0:bits-1)
bit_mask = (reshape(all_syms, (size(all_syms)[1],1)) .>> reshape(all_bits, (1, size(all_bits)[1]))) .& 1
ind1 = [find(bit_mask[:,i]) for i in 1:bits]
It sort of works, but it returns
[find(bit_mask[:,i]) for i in 1:3]
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
[2, 4, 6, 8]
[3, 4, 7, 8]
[5, 6, 7, 8]
an Array{Array…}, where I wanted Array{Int64,2}.
Any suggestions? Doesn’t need to be efficient - only used once at program start.