I have a problem with solving sparse singular linear systems (flow problems on possibly disconnected graphs). I need the minimum norm solution for this. Essentially the sparse version of this:
P = [0.5, -0.5]
M = [1. -1.; -1. 1.]
qr(M, Val(true)) \ P
Is this possible? I don’t need the factorization for anything else.
P = [0.5, -0.5]
M = sparse([1. -1.; -1. 1.])
qr(M) \ P
does work but fails for larger examples and my understanding is that it doesn’t guarantee minimum norm solutions, interestingly it sometimes fails for dense, but works for sparse e.g.:
M2 = zeros(4,4); P2 = rand(4)
M2[1:2,1:2] = [1. -1.;-1. 1.]
M2[3:4,3:4] = [1. -1.;-1. 1.]
MS = sparse(M2)
P2 = M2 * pinv(M2) * P2 # Project on the complement of the kernel (pinv doesn't work for sparse)
qr(M2) \ P2 # LAPACKException(2)
qr(MS) \ P2 # works
P = [0.5, -0.5]
M = [1. -1.; -1. 1.]
M \ P # SingularException(2)
P = [0.5, -0.5]
M = sparse([1. -1.; -1. 1.])
M \ P # SingularException(0)
don’t work (the error messages are not exactly helpful here, is there any way to help with that?)