You don’t need it for MKLPardiso.
MWE with LinearSolve.jl:
using LinearSolve, LinearSolvePardiso, SparseArrays, Random
A = sparse([1.0 0 -2 3
0 5 1 2
-2 1 4 -7
3 2 -7 5])
b = rand(4)
prob = LinearProblem(A, b)
u = solve(prob, MKLPardisoFactorize(); cache_kwargs...).u
should work and automatically install any binaries needed.
This has a regular sparsity pattern, so it should be a case where UMFPACK-type algorithms do well because they should be able to exploit the parallelism of the BLAS3 kernel. I’d try:
using LinearSolve, LinearSolvePardiso, SparseArrays
A = # your matrix
b = # test b
prob = LinearProblem(A, b)
for alg in (
u = solve(prob, alg).u
using AlgebraicMultigrid
ml = ruge_stuben(A) # Construct a Ruge-Stuben solver
pl = aspreconditioner(ml)
solve(prob1, KrylovJL_GMRES(), Pl = pl).u
using IncompleteLU
pl = ilu(A, τ = 0.1) # τ needs to be tuned per problem
solve(prob1, KrylovJL_GMRES(), Pl = pl).u
I should make that into a tutorial. You can see this in action in