Solving linear system BC = X where B is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix

The matrices I would be working with are in the order of 6x6. Using the LinearSolve.KrylovJL_CG() seems to be causing numerical instability at the later stages of the DIIS solver for Coupled Cluster Equations I am trying to implement. The matrices I am trying to work with have small values of entries like

6×6 Symmetric{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}:
 1.72458e-16  1.06023e-16  1.01555e-16  9.45545e-17  8.19558e-17  7.61703e-17
 1.06023e-16  8.87195e-17  8.45981e-17  7.75149e-17  6.32949e-17  5.68955e-17
 1.01555e-16  8.45981e-17  8.3458e-17   7.63146e-17  6.20451e-17  5.55372e-17
 9.45545e-17  7.75149e-17  7.63146e-17  7.54038e-17  5.98022e-17  5.33082e-17
 8.19558e-17  6.32949e-17  6.20451e-17  5.98022e-17  5.52861e-17  4.88773e-17
 7.61703e-17  5.68955e-17  5.55372e-17  5.33082e-17  4.88773e-17  4.73348e-17

As of now I have not provided the exact code where the LinearSolve is used, but would be happy to provide if necessary.