Consider a boring system of 4 nonlinear equations in 4 variables: a=bcd a+b=cd a+b+c=d a+b+c+d=1
Solution: (a,b,c,d)=(\frac{1}{42}, \frac{1}{7}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{2})
I hate using the clunky-ugly syntax: x[1]+x[2]+x[3]
How can I make it look like the math: a+b+c
Is this a problem w/ the derivative package?
How can I get Julia to give me the answer in rational form?
Is that even possible w/o symbolic math? I hope so.
I had to manually define the function Nest(f,x0,n) which is routine in math software.
Function iteration (ie Dynamical Systems) show up in: Newton-Raphson, Mandelbrot set, value function iteration etc (all things used by Julians)
Would it make sense for base Julia to include this?
We had a discussion about this on Github w/ @StefanKarpinski@jw3126@tkf.
It seems to have fizzled out.
julia> f1( (a, b, c, d) ) = a - b * c * d
f1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f1( [1, 2, 3, 4] )
(Note the double parentheses in the definition of f1.)
An iterative method like Newton–Raphson converges (maybe) to the correct result, but never actually gets there, so I think it’s hopeless to expect the true rational result without symbolic methods.
The convention in Julia is that functions begin with lower-case letters, so nest.
nest.(..., 0:10) is inefficient since you’re recalculating everything each time.
There’s some way to write this with higher-order functions but I don’t remember how.
Of course this does not really tell you that this rational solution is correct, but at least it gives a suggestion that you can then check to see if it really is a solution.
You’re absolutely correct, the sol to most nonlinear systems will not be rational. In fact the sol to most diffeqs & integrals have no known closed forms. This is why I had to learn numerical methods in grad school.
My point is:
Numbers in Julia have a heierarchy of types: Real, Integer, Rational…
Suppose I want the “highest” number type possible in a solution, it would be nice if Julia can give me a solution (1.23333456, 1//2, 4) (Real, Rational, Integer) if possible.
Don’t know about Zygote, but ForwardDiff works fine:
julia> f1( (a, b, c, d) ) = a - b * c * d
f1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> using ForwardDiff
julia> ForwardDiff.gradient(f1, [1, 2, 3, 4])
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
Julia can’t give you 1//2 and 4 automatically, since it has no way of knowing if the floating-point result of Newton-Raphson is “really” equal to those non-floating-point numbers or not.
In principle you could do Newton-Raphson with Rational{BigInt} all the way through (probably for fewer iterations). This will give you the exact result after N iterations, which will be a horrible enormous fraction which never becomes equal to 1//2, which it will converge to only in the limit of an infinite number of iterations.
In a more complicated problem Julia will return (for example) 0.4999999999999 instead of 0.5, and neither Julia nor you will have any idea whether it should “really” be 1//2 or not.
I’m not gonna worry about returning a desired type (int, rational) for now…
I’m still keen on making it easier to iterate functions in Julia.
I suggested the Dynamical Systems notation f^n(x_0) := nest(f,x_0,n), bc it’s closest to the math & used A LOT in numerical math.
At the very least Julia could use: nest(f,x0,n), nestlist(f,x0,n) and other routine function iteration methods.
I don’t recall hearing this called “nest” before; maybe that’s unique to Mathematica? It doesn’t bring to my mind iterated functions. I would just call it e.g. iterated or orbit or trajectory. Surely DynamicalSystems.jl has something like this implemented already.