Software and postdoc positions available for a new Earth systems model in Julia

A group of us are developing a new Earth system model (in Julia!) that automatically learns from global observations and targeted high-resolution simulations of clouds, turbulence, and other elements of the Earth system. We are looking for Research Scientists and Software Engineers for this project. See Join our Team – CliMA for more information


Just bumping this thread: if you have any questions, please do feel free to get in touch with me!

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could I apply to both postdoc and software engineer positions? Thanks.

Are all of these positions on-site, or can they be done remotely?

I don’t see why not, but keep in mind that the roles are somewhat distinct (e.g. the postdocs are more research-oriented, so may be more appropriate if you have a standard academic career path in mind).

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The software engineer positions are on-site only I’m afraid.

Tell me, are you really developing the model in Julia? I’m trying to gather information on the Earth Machine but also about climate application in Julia.

edit - I was also thinking last week that one of the greatest showcase for Julia would be a climate model.


If you were to consider recruiting astrophysicists, I might suggest posting on the job register of the American Astronomical Society.

Yes, see: GitHub - CliMA/ClimateMachine.jl: Climate Machine: an Earth System Model that automatically learns from data

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Awesome! :slight_smile:

I just invited Tapio Schneider to present the project in Montréal, while reading about it. Perhaps one of you would be interested in giving a talk at Ouranos, UQAM university atmospheric science department or even at MILA?

@viralbshah presented Julia at Ouranos a couple of months ago :wink:


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