SOCP and SDP solver errors in PowerModelsDistribution.jl

Hello all,

I am trying to use PowerModelsDistribution to solve a SDP and SOCP formulation. Below is my code.

using PowerModelsDistribution
using SCS
Test_Case = parse_file(“C:/ACOPF/Julia/case3balancedbattery.dss”)
scs_solver = optimizer_with_attributes(SCS.Optimizer)
results7 = solve_mc_opf(Test_Case, SDPUBFPowerModel,scs_solver)
results8 = solve_mc_opf(Test_Case, SDPUBFKCLMXPowerModel,scs_solver)

When trying to solve this I get the error “LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access Float64 at index [2]”. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Do we need to format the OpenDSS file in a special way for SDP and SOCP relaxations?

Thank You!

Can you provide the full error message? Can you share the input file?