Skipping a lot of lines in allocates too much memory


Thank you for the suggestion @CameronBieganek , that creates a very tidy file indeed, but I’m not sure whether this is relevant here.
First of all, it discards the BOX BOUNDS section, which I would like to keep/utilize **, and also it writes everything into a new file, which I would have to import again in order to do useful things with the data.

**these are nuances relevant to my very particular case, and I’d like to keep this post fairly general, hence I’d rather stick to the MRE in the original post.

Sorry for the confusion, to reiterate:
My files can be very big (like, 10gb big), so I can’t load the whole thing into my memory to do my computations.
My strategy thus, is to divide the file into “chunks”, and loop over them (import block of data, do calculations, move to the next).

As aforementioned, numpy does the job pretty well, using the following:

using CSV, DataFrames

number_of_lines = 10^5
CSV.write("data.csv", DataFrame(rand(number_of_lines, 10), :auto))

steps = 10
chunk = round(Int, number_of_lines / steps)

# Numpy version, nice and fast
using PythonCall
np = pyimport("numpy")
for i in 1:steps
    @time a = pyconvert(Matrix,  np.loadtxt("data.csv", skiprows=i *chunk-1, max_rows=chunk,delimiter=','))
    #extra computations using "a" would go somewhere here 

# CSV version, painfully slow
for i in 1:steps
    @time a"data.csv", DataFrame, skipto=i * chunk, limit=chunk, delim=',')

It is also equally effective for my ugly lammps format example, without altering the file.

The main question is;
Does CSV or another julia package offer numpy’s performance (or better) in this case?

It does feel a bit akward looking at python libraries for speed purposes.
(I know numpy is written in C, but since speed is Julia’s main selling point, this doesn’t make much sense I believe).