I encountered an issue with SizedVector
in StaticArrays.jl
The following works:
i::Int64 = 3
a = SizedVector{i}([1., 2., 3.])
But if i
is an Int32
, I get an error:
j::Int32 = 3
a = SizedVector{j}([1., 2., 3.])
I get the error:
ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Tuple{Vararg{Union{StaticArraysCore.Dynamic, Int64}}}, got a value of type Tuple{Int32}
[1] Size
@ ~/.julia/packages/StaticArraysCore/U2Z1K/src/StaticArraysCore.jl:464 [inlined]
[2] Size(s::Type{Tuple{3}})
@ StaticArraysCore ~/.julia/packages/StaticArraysCore/U2Z1K/src/StaticArraysCore.jl:470
[3] Size(#unused#::Type{SizedVector{3, T} where T})
@ StaticArraysCore ~/.julia/packages/StaticArraysCore/U2Z1K/src/StaticArraysCore.jl:492
[4] size(#unused#::Type{SizedVector{3, T} where T})
@ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/VLqRb/src/abstractarray.jl:4
[5] length_match_size(#unused#::Type{SizedVector{3, T} where T}, x::Vector{Float64})
@ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/VLqRb/src/convert.jl:122
[6] adapt_size(#unused#::Type{SizedVector{3, T} where T}, x::Vector{Float64})
@ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/VLqRb/src/convert.jl:94
[7] construct_type(#unused#::Type{SizedVector{3, T} where T}, x::Vector{Float64})
@ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/VLqRb/src/convert.jl:87
[8] (SizedVector{3, T} where T)(a::Vector{Float64})
@ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/VLqRb/src/SizedArray.jl:15
[9] top-level scope
@ REPL[36]:1
Question: why can’t I use Int32
to specify the size of the SizedVector
? This restriction is either a missed edge case or it is intentional. If it is not a missed edge case, I would like to know the rationale for this decision. Thanks.