I am using Julia 0.6.2 (Windows) and the Atom editor
After launching Julia and
using Plots
I’ve got the following warnings:
WARNING: using Plots.savefig in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.quiver in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.pie in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.barh in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.grid in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.contourf in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.plot in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.spy in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.hexbin in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.scatter in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.bar in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.arrow in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.contour in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.twinx in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.text in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Plots.boxplot in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
In a next step I applied the following two lines:
x = 1:10; y = rand(10,2)
plot(x,y,title="Two Lines",label=["Line 1" "Line 2"],lw=3)
and I’ve got the error message:
PyError (ccall(@pysym(:PyObject_Call), PyPtr, (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr), o, arg, kw)) <class 'AttributeError'>
What is wrong? Is the PyError related to the above warnings? And how can I overcome these difficulties?