How can I use the show method for a type that is nested in another struct? For example:
julia> struct A
julia>, ::MIME"text/plain", a::A) = print(io, ">>A$(a.x)")
julia> struct B
julia> a = A(1)
>>A1 # what I expected in displaying A
julia> function, ::MIME"text/plain", b::B)
println(io, "B containing:")
print(b.x) # how can I use the show(::A) method here?
julia> b = B(a)
B containing:
A(1) # not what I expect when displaying A
Ok, I found it, just had pass io and mime around:
julia> function, mime::MIME"text/plain", b::B)
println(io, "B containing:")
show(io, mime, b.x)
julia> b = B(a)
B containing:
If that is not the correct way to do it, let me know
This does call show(io, A), but note that print calls the two-argument show function. You typically define the 3-argument show in addition to the 2-argument show, if you want a more verbose multi-line pretty-printing in addition to compact output (for use in e.g. REPL output via display), as explained in the manual on Custom pretty printing.
I’m not sure what you mean — you can still add indentation metadata to IOContext in the same way:
Thanks, I was not getting the syntax right from the example in the other post, and the help entry of IOContext does not mention indentation, so I was lost.