Should we disallow non-compliant `AbstractUnitRange`s where `typeof(step)` doesn't match the `eltype`?

Currently, the docstring for AbstractUnitRange states:

    AbstractUnitRange{T} <: OrdinalRange{T, T}

Supertype for ranges with a step size of `oneunit(T)` with elements of type `T`.

This implies that the step must be of type T as well. However, this is not enforced anywhere, and as a consequence, one may create ranges for which this is not obeyed at all. Even the test suite for ranges in Base has some examples like this:

struct Position <: Integer
Position(x::Position) = x # to resolve ambiguity with boot.jl:770

struct Displacement <: Integer
Displacement(x::Displacement) = x # to resolve ambiguity with boot.jl:770

Base.:-(x::Displacement) = Displacement(-x.val)
Base.:-(x::Position, y::Position) = Displacement(x.val - y.val)
Base.:-(x::Position, y::Displacement) = Position(x.val - y.val)
Base.:-(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(x.val - y.val)
Base.:+(x::Position, y::Displacement) = Position(x.val + y.val)
Base.:+(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(x.val + y.val)
Base.:(<=)(x::Position, y::Position) = x.val <= y.val
Base.:(<)(x::Position, y::Position) = x.val < y.val
Base.:(<)(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = x.val < y.val

# for StepRange computation:
Base.Unsigned(x::Displacement) = Unsigned(x.val)
Base.rem(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(rem(x.val, y.val))
Base.div(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(div(x.val, y.val))

# required for collect (summing lengths); alternatively, should length return Int by default?
Base.promote_rule(::Type{Displacement}, ::Type{Int}) = Int
Base.convert(::Type{Int}, x::Displacement) = x.val
Base.Int(x::Displacement) = x.val

With this definition, one may define:

julia> r = Position(2):Position(5)

julia> r isa AbstractUnitRange{Position}

julia> step(r)

julia> step(r) |> typeof

This range is, strictly speaking, a StepRange, with a unit step. We don’t have a UnitStepRange type in Base, which leads to the abuse of UnitRanges. However, disregarding type-parameters in this manner has the potential to open up unexpected bugs. Is it reasonable to disallow such non-compliant AbstractUnitRanges? I understand that there are concerns about the performances of StepRanges, but perhaps we may add a UnitStepRange type to get around these?

As an example, Dates already avoids this issue in the colon range constructor, and returns a StepRange instead:

julia> today():today()

The docstring for Colon states that it produces

 a `UnitRange` when a and b are integers,

but that may be altered. IMO this should not produce a UnitRange if typeof(a-b) != typeof(a)


I don’t think it needs to be altered; Day(1) is not an integer.

It’s fine to have step be different than the eltype; it’s only required to be of the same type as the additive element of the eltype. It’s similar to how you use 'a' + 1 to get 'b' and not 'a' + Char(0x1).


The definition AbstractUnitRange{T} <: OrdinalRange{T, T} requires step to be of the same type.

I don’t think it needs to be altered; Day(1) is not an integer.

The integer example is the Position range from the Base test suite. The point actually goes the other way. It’s fine for any type to return a StepRange instead of a UnitRange, and the Day example was that of a type that chooses the range type correctly.

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That’s a good point, and a bit bothersome :thinking: We don’t have a oneadditiveunit equivalent, unfortunately…


To be more concrete about the issue in the OP: in the Position example, one may add a Position and a Displacement to obtain another Position, but there’s no notion of adding a Position to another Position, or to an Int. As a consequence, indexing is broken for a UnitRange{Position}:

julia> r = Position(2):Position(5)

julia> r[2]
ERROR: promotion of types Position and Int64 failed to change any arguments

whereas, for a StepRange, if we define a few missing methods:

julia> Base.:(*)(i::Int, x::Displacement) = Displacement(x.val * i)

julia> Base.:(*)(x::Displacement, i::Int) = Displacement(x.val * i)

we may obtain

julia> s = Position(2):Displacement(1):Position(5)

julia> s[2]

where we are adding a Displacement to a Position.

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Actually, Position is the odd one out here, because it subtypes Integer. Since 'a':'z' is conceptually the same thing (the additive element is different from the actual type) and that already gives a StepRange, looking at @edit 'a':'z' clears things up a bit:

(:)(a::Real, b::Real) = (:)(promote(a, b)...)

(:)(start::T, stop::T) where {T<:Real} = UnitRange{T}(start, stop)

(:)(start::T, stop::T) where {T} = (:)(start, oftype(stop >= start ? stop - start : start - stop, 1), stop)

So : actually only assumes that step is a T for Reals, but for all others, it goes through the same oftype construction as Char goes through. Dates just overloads that conceptual fallback in a way that doesn’t rely on convert(Day, ::Int) to exist.

I guess I agree then - the docstring for : ought to be changed to "with a step size equal to oftype(..., 1) (not quite sure what to put in there).

Then again - perhaps this is just another example of underspecified requirements of functions from Base…


I’d say it should be allowed because differences of quantities like dates can’t be treated the same as the absolute values, I’m sure there’s a formal math term for numbers like that. Problem is I’m not sure how to patch this without changing the type parameters to AbstractUnitRange{T, S}, which seems breaking. It’d be nice to have AbstractUnitRange{T} <: OrdinalRange{T, S} where S is promised to have a 1-to-1 correspondence with T in AbstractUnitRanges.

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But probably should be

'a' + NextCharacterInTermsOfUnicodeCodepoints(1)

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