There is an example in the (increasingly more excellent) manual under short circuit evaluation that shows an assignment statement as the follow-on statement:
The example is clear enough, but the manual doesn’t say why an assignment statement is different than a statement with side effects, say a println(“something”). Just curious about why…
to parse as x = (y && z) not as (x = y) && z. Therefore, = must have lower precedence than && and you also have
x && y = z
parsing as (x && y) = z rather than x && (y = z). If && and = had adjacent precedence levels, you could just put them on the same level and make them left-associative, but they are separated by several precedence levels so that’s not feasible. It might just be possible to break the usual precedence parsing model and give = different precedence on the LHS here than on the RHS, but that’s getting into pretty dicey parsing territory.
I think parens are fine to be explicit about the order of operation intended: as in nearly every expression. I was lulled into thinking of short circuit evaluation as a way to “run” commands, not as an expression in its own right. As
the logic table in the documentation makes clear, it is a Boolean expression. It’s just a bit of a trick that we can employ it as a device to run commands as a shortcut to a slightly longer if block. I was merely surprised by the obvious. No serious or
valid recommendation to change anything here.
The presedence and parsing of = has been used constructively by many domain-specific languages. Below is an example from Modia that makes use of the fact that julia happily parses any valid expressio on the lhs of = (If I’m not mistaken, one of the many reasons Julia was chosen as the host language of Modia)
@model FirstOrder begin
x = Variable(start=1) # start means x(0)
T = Parameter(0.5) # Time constant
u = 2.0 # Same as Parameter(2.0)
@equations begin
T*der(x) + x = u # der() means time derivative