Sharp edge with `Threads.threadid()` and task migration


I somehow sympathize with @MilesCranmer here about deprecating the threadid() construct.

Actually, my understanding is that using threadid() is safe provided that one uses the static scheduler (please correct me if I am wrong because this is the strategy I used to mitigate the problem in two of my packages)

Threads.@threads :static for a in 1:N
   counter[Threads.threadid()]  =  ...

A possibility would be to raise a warning/deprecation only if one is NOT using the :static scheduler (again, provided that :static makes the use of threadid() safe). I do not know how feasible would be to raise a conditional warning depending on the choice of the scheduler however.

but it was never the API :grimacing:. I understand there were official sources recommending this pattern, but nonetheless this is not a breaking change in API we’re talking about. it’s simply buggy code.

What’s the difference?

one is in the docs and looks more like a reference manual. the other is in blog posts and looks more like a TA showing you how to code

Except that it was a blog post by one of the creators of the language

yes, which makes it extra unfortunate that that post contained errors pertaining to the true API.

Nah. Without the atomic, the program may fail, with the atomic it can’t. I suppose an atomic was used for that reason.

By “true API” do you mean this docstring? This is on 1.7.

help?> Threads.threadid()

  Get the ID number of the current thread of execution. The master thread has ID 1.

So, based on these two sentences, you think the average user is supposed to infer that the creator of Julia was incorrect on an official blogpost?

I don’t mean for this to become heated. I don’t think you’re crazy for wanting to deprecate threadid I just don’t happen to agree

you think the average user is supposed to infer that the creator of Julia was incorrect on an official blogpost?

absolutely not, I never said that.

let me list the things I agree with you on

  • The docstring of threadid (old and new alike) is rather curt & vague. especially before the note was added it would have been pretty hard for anybody without a good understanding of Julia’s threading model to know what to assume is meant exactly
  • multithreaded code, in general, is really complicated and easy to get wrong especially in the absence of tools that can hold the users’ hands
  • once code patterns are out there, they are very sticky and it can be very hard to effect community-wide changes
  • recommended usage patterns of threadid, from official sources, actively deceived users into writing buggy code
  • the previous fact is really REALLY unfortunate

All these facts are pretty indisputable. AND.

all that being said, I do not share your conclusion that deprecating threadid is a good course of action. again that’s just my opinion and it’s possible I’m in the minority here, but I’d rather not remove a (now) correctly-documented and correctly-implemented tool on the basis that its usage was previously taught incorrectly.


Sorry if you felt I responded too strongly, that was not my intention. I was attempting to point out in response to your comment

that this might not paint an accurate picture of pre-1.8 sources.

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I don’t think anyone here is disagreeing about the general state of affairs. It is indeed very unfortunate and truly is well described as a trolley problem. And just like any good trolley problem, everyone’s perspective on how to best throw any switch will vary based upon what you’re able to see, which side of the tracks you personally find yourself tied to, your perspective on the other downstream effects, and where you want to find the trolley at the end of the day. It’s a tradeoff and your weighings of the outcomes may vary. It’s valuable to also understand that others’ weighings of the same situation may be different than yours, even if everyone is standing at the exact same spot with the exact same visibility.

Go’s choice here to forbid even looking at thread ids is quite fitting with its own worldview.

Unlike trolley problems, we can also build new tracks — we’re not limited to a binary choice here. Even better: some options aren’t even mutually exclusive.


Thanks for the great summary. And glad to hear you appreciated the metaphor :slight_smile:

Do you have any ideas for the “new tracks” here? In my view the best overall option (though somewhat controversial) is the logic here. A warning in the linter could also be a decent start since it is more aggressive and “in your face” than a blogpost or docstring update – it would indeed start pushing this into common Julia knowledge. Though it still wouldn’t warn on legacy code, I do think it might save a fair chunk of all future casualties though.

Just want to emphasize the nuance here that @spawn is a perfectly legitimate tool and not a code smell on its own, but it’s low-level, and if you’re using it to multithread a loop you should probably combine it with manual chunking/work scheduling (e.g., using ChunkSplitters.jl). Though as @ericphanson pointed out, this is less important if each iteration takes a long time anyway (say, idk, several tens of microseconds or more).

Or maybe we can infer another heuristic from this thread: if you’re annoyed that thread_local_storage() can’t persist/transfer between tasks, perhaps you should reduce the number of tasks and give each of them more work.

For commonly used patterns, OhMyThreads.jl is the go-to library for pre-packaged variants so you don’t have to write the boilerplate yourself.

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Yes, StaticLint.jl was my main thought and I’m sure it would be quite noncontroversial. Your suggestion might work, but that’s why I posted my archaeology note above; straight deprecations have already been tried. The core question is if this would reduce false-positives enough to make the evaluation any different than the last times this has been tried. I don’t know the answer, don’t have a strong opinion, and don’t hold power here.

I understand this sentiment to the extent that you feel like @threads implicitly encourages incorrect threadid()-based caching patterns that people need to be steered away from. However, I haven’t found a better tool for parallelizing simple loops that don’t need thread-safe cache. It doesn’t add a dependency, and it has lower overhead than anything I’ve tried except Polyester.jl (which has its own issues with composability). I don’t think a blanket warning against @threads is warranted, especially if it drives people towards naive use of @spawn with loops instead.

I think the appropriate admonitions are approximately:

  • Never use threadid()
  • If @threads works for you, great, if not, use OhMyThreads.jl
  • If you’re tempted to use @spawn with loops, you should probably try OhMyThreads.jl first
  • If you still want to use @spawn with loops, read the blog post first, and probably also the ChunkSplitters.jl docs
  • Outside the context of parallelizing loops, use @spawn to your heart’s content the way you would use @async

For what it’s worth, my point isn’t that people shouldn’t ever use @threads. My point is just that it’s a bad API. If it does what you need to do, then great, but it’s generally limiting, and encourages bad practices which is frustrating.


I think this discussion boils down to whom the language should accomodate. Personally, I’m perfectly fine with a language which allows me to write buggy code. I’ve been writing parallel code since VMS 5 (ca. 1988), in C, pascal, BLISS-32, you name it, and believe that anyone writing parallel code anyway must learn some basic synchronization techinques. In julia’s case, also how tasks and threads interact, or may interact in the future. Automatic parallelization and/or synchronization has been a pipe dream for 40 years (since the Connection Machine, or before). Babysitting the developer by blocking potentially dangerous practices won’t help anyone.

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This is kind of a dismissive characterization of the progress various languages have made in the past decades towards making it harder to accidentally write code that doesn’t work. Even though Julia very much has an approach of letting people do anything they need to, we try very hard to avoid making easy to do the wrong thing unintentionally.

This is a kind of unfortunate API in that it’s easy to misuse, but there’s no simple change that makes it that much harder to misuse—asking for the ID of a thread or a task just isn’t a good fit for the way threading works in Julia. We let you ask for the thread ID because it is a thing you could potentially want to know, but since tasks can migrate threads, it doesn’t work the way many people expect it to.

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Sorry to jump into the middle of this, but is Threads.@threads really inefficient? I’ve been using a bit recently but didn’t realise it was that bad. Is OhMyThreads.jl a direct replacement and more efficient?

No, Threads.@threads is not inefficient, actually quite the opposite. It may be flawed design-wise, but performance-wise it has less overhead than most alternatives.

The pattern @Mason is saying it’s “very very very inefficient”, is the following:

In code:

@sync for i in 1:huge_number
    Threads.@spawn begin

This is very very very inefficient.