Disfavored in the blog post, due to issues with threadid, was:
using Base.Threads: nthreads, @threads, threadid
states = [some_initial_value for _ in 1:nthreads()]
@threads for x in some_data
tid = threadid()
old_val = states[tid]
new_val = some_operator(old_val, f(x))
states[tid] = new_val
Proposed solution: enumerate the loop with the index as a program-specific task id:
using Base.Threads: @threads
states = [some_initial_value for _ in eachindex(x)] # <-- changed
@threads for (id, x) in enumerate(some_data) # <-- the key change is here
old_val = states[id]
new_val = some_operator(old_val, f(x))
states[id] = new_val
Sorry, that could have been some_data, and I was not posting working code (the example I was quoting did not define some_data)… I will add below:
const some_data = [3, 4, 5]
states = [some_initial_value for _ in eachindex(some_data)] # <-- changed
@Threads.threads for (id, x) in enumerate(some_data) # <-- the key change is here
old_val = states[id]
new_val = some_operator(old_val, f(x))
states[id] = new_val
I use this pattern myself. As written, it doesn’t actually work though.
julia> result = zeros(10)
Threads.@threads for (i, x) in enumerate(19:28)
result[i] = x ÷ 2
ERROR: TaskFailedException
nested task error: MethodError: no method matching firstindex(::Base.Iterators.Enumerate{UnitRange{Int64}})
You need to do collect(enumerate(some_data)). I wish the implementation didn’t require this, but a single collect over a multithreaded loop is usually insignificant.
That is ok, but then you need the number of states to be the same as the number of elements in the some_data array.
More generally one wants a buffer of length nthreads, which is independent of the number of tasks. That is why in general the proposal is to partition the workload in chunks and then use the chunk index (instead of threadid()).
Sometimes the collect for is also very expensive, in terms of allocation/compute. Is there much of a chance of this requirement being removed in the future?