Very big thanks to you Nils. That set me on the right path.
FWIW I was able to replicate the Statistical Rethinking plots after considerable homework.
The big missing piece for me was that denstiy()
plots were based on kernel density calculations. That was novel enough. Enter KernelDensity.jl
… Then to make it all work using Plots.jl
It’s no wonder the graphic appears in an introductory chapter of SR without explanation.
Here is the code, and the plot itself.
using Distributions
using KernelDensity
using StatsPlots
p_grid = collect(range(0,1,10^3))
prior = ones(10^3)
likelihood = pdf.(Binomial.(9, p_grid), 6)
posterior = likelihood .* prior
posterior = posterior ./ sum(posterior)
samples = sample( p_grid, Weights(posterior), 10^4)
ksamp = kde(samples)
x = collect(ksamp.x)
y = ksamp.density
xi = findall( i -> i<0.5, x)
d11 = density(samples, xlabel="proportion water (p)", ylabel="density", label="kde", xticks=0.0:0.25:1, legend=:topleft)
plot!(x[xi], y[xi], fillrange=zeros(1), fc=:blues, label="p<0.5")
xi = findall(i -> (0.5<i) & (i<0.75), x)
d12 = density(samples, xlabel="proportion water (p)", ylabel="density", label="kde", xticks=0.0:0.25:1, legend=:topleft)
plot!(x[xi], y[xi], fillrange=zeros(1), fc=:blues, label="0.5<p<0.75")
qa, qb = quantile(samp, (0.0, 0.8))
xi = findall(i -> (qa<=i) & (i<=qb), x)
d21 = density(samples, xlabel="proportion water (p)", ylabel="density", label="kde", xticks=0.0:0.25:1, legend=:topleft)
plot!(x[xi], y[xi], fillrange=zeros(1), fc=:blues, label="lower 80%")
qa, qb = quantile(samp, (0.1, 0.9))
xi = findall(i -> (qa<=i) & (i<=qb), x)
d22 = density(samples, xlabel="proportion water (p)", ylabel="density", label="kde", xticks=0.0:0.25:1, legend=:topleft)
plot!(x[xi], y[xi], fillrange=zeros(1), fc=:blues, label="middle 80%")
plot(d11, d12, d21, d22, layout=(2, 2), size=(800,700))