Yes, I do remember because I had translated the code directly for my use. So was a bit confused by seeing the example again today.
Yes, In final time free problems the final time is not known. So the step size depends on final_time/N
where N is the number of steps. One way to keep step size small is to select a large value of N. But this increases the number of optimization variables, constraints etc. Another approach is to use mesh refinement where one can start with a small value of N and increase the number of grid points where the solution is having more error. It is an iterative process. I am trying to develop a package but it is in preliminary stage.
So actually I have not compared the formulation time with respect to CasADi (Since the major time is spent in the solver). I was comparing the flexibility in formulating problems. I could even translate the direct collocation example
Direct Collocation
using JuMP
using Ipopt
using FastGaussQuadrature
using Polynomials
using GLMakie
# d: Number of points for interpolation. Degree of interpolating polynomial = d-1
d = 4
x, w = gausslegendre(d-1)
# Collocation points
tau_root = [0; (1.0 .+ x) ./ 2]
# Coefficients of the collocation equation
C = zeros(d, d)
# Coefficients of continuity equation
D = zeros(d)
# Coefficients of quadrature function
B = zeros(d)
# Construct polynomial basis
Lj::Polynomial = Polynomial([1])
for j in 1:d
# Construct lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
global tau_root, C, D, B, Lj
Lj = Polynomial([1])
for r in 1:d
if r != j
Lj = Lj*Polynomial([-tau_root[r], 1]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])
# Evaluate the polynomial at the end of interval
D[j] = Lj(1.0)
# Evaluate the time derivatives at the collocation point
Ljd = derivative(Lj)
for r = 1:d
C[j, r] = Ljd(tau_root[r])
# Evaluate the integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
LjI = integrate(Lj)
B[j] = LjI(1.0)
# Time Horizon
T = 10
N = 1000
h = T/N
time = range(start = 0, step = 0.5, length = N)
ns = 2
nu = 1
# Declare Model variables
dc = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(dc, x[1:ns, 1:d, 1:N], start = 0)
@variable(dc, -1 <= u[1:nu, 1:N] <= 1, start = 0)
# State constraints
@constraint(dc, x[1, 1:d, 1:N] .>= -0.25)
# Initial state
@constraint(dc, x[1:ns, 1, 1] .== [0, 1])
# System model
dyn(x, u) = [((1 - x[2]^2)*x[1] - x[2] + u[1]), x[1]]
# Objective function
L(x, u) = x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + u[1]^2
pdot = zeros(ns)
J = 0
Xend = zeros(ns)
for i in 1:N-1
global pdot, J, Xend
Xend = x[1:ns, 1, i]*D[1]
for r = 2:d
pdot = zeros(ns)
for j in 1:d
pdot = pdot + C[j, r] * x[1:ns, j, i]
@constraint(dc, pdot .== h*dyn(x[1:ns, r, i], u[1:nu, i]))
J = J + h*B[r]*L(x[1:ns, r, i], u[1:nu, i])
Xend = Xend + x[1:ns, r, i]*D[r]
@constraint(dc, Xend .== x[1:ns, 1, i+1])
@objective(dc, Min, J)
un = u[1:nu, :]
xn = x[1:ns,1,:]
f1, ax1, s1 = stairs(time, value.(un)[1, :], color = :blue, label = "u")
lines!(ax1, time, value.(xn)[1, :], color = :black, label = "x1")
lines!(ax1, time, value.(xn)[2, :], color = :red, label = "x2")
I said nearly because of the limitation of registered function limitation. But not sure if it would have that much impact for optimal control problems. One question I had was for user defined operator: “if we define the hessian of the user defined operator the matrix is considered as dense”. So will this cause loss of sparsity only for the variables involved in the user defined operator or the overall hessian matrix would be dense?