I appreciate this will seem obvious to those in the know, but could someone post an example of how to add a cookie server-side to a response that can be used as a session identifier? As a kind of middleware, I think. There doesn’t appear to be exactly that in the docs or this forum. I’m afraid I can’t post a MWE of me failing to get this to work as I’m on my phone ATM.
using UUIDs, HTTP
const SESSION_IDS = Set{UUID}()
function generate_and_set_session_id_middleware(handler)
function (req::HTTP.Request)
# first we pass the request on to the next handler in the chain
resp = handler(req)
# now that we have a response, we can generate and set the session id cookie
session_id = uuid4()
push!(SESSION_IDS, session_id)
HTTP.setheader(resp, "Set-Cookie" => "MyApplicationSessionId=$session_id;")
return resp
You could take it a step further and use the HTTP.Cookie object if you want, where you can set the expires, domain, path, etc. and then set that in the response.