I have a semi-continuous variable, the domain is {0} U [l,u]. Example is:
using JuMP
using CPLEX
MyModel = Model(with_optimizer(CPLEX.Optimizer))
@variable(MyModel, zz)
@constraint(MyModel, zz in MOI.Semicontinuous(2.5, 3.5))
It didn’t work. Error was:
ERROR: Constraints of type MathOptInterface.SingleVariable-in-MathOptInterface.Semicontinuous{Float64} are not supported by the solver and there are no bridges that can reformulate it into supported constraints.
I tried without solver:
MyModel2 = Model()
@variable(MyModel2, zz)
@constraint(MyModel2, zz in MOI.Semicontinuous(2.5, 3.5));
There was no error.
I had a look inside the Cplex solver user guide, then it is possible to create a semi continuous variable.
I have two questions:
- What are the juMP available solvers that can take into account semi-continuous variable?
- Is it possible to reformulate the constraint to keep semi-continuous variable and Cplex solver?
Thank you in advance!
Warmest Regards.
JuMP: v0.19.1
Cplex studio : v12.8.0
Julia v1.1.0