Seeking Package for Digital Image Correlation (DIC)

Hi! I am currently in search of a Julia package that can handle digital image correlation, particularly one that is optimized for quick analysis of video data from bidirectional tensile tests.

The ability to accurately evaluate the strain fields on materials during such tests is crucial for my work, and I was wondering if anyone here might be able to point me towards a Julia package that specializes in this area.

Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!



I have not come across one but am looking. I may just roll my own one of these days.

There are several open source DIC codes out there. Ncorr, DICe, and muDIC come to mind. Theyre just not in julia.

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@Craig_Hamel @bachrathyd good to hear there is a wider interest in DIC using Julia. A colleague and I developed the MATLAB packages multiDIC and duoDIC. Both feature ncorr under the hood.
My group is currently developing a Julia version of both. Probably initially also wrapping ncorr. I’ll post the repository link here once we have something. Would be great if folks like yourselves could contribute.

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Count me out on contributing if the goal is to wrap an already existing DIC code.

I’m much more interested in starting something fresh in pure julia so we don’t inheret technical debt from another code base while also getting the added benefit of having an end to end differentiable DIC code.

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I agree that would be more exciting for sure! We can certainly aim for what you are describing. If the right building blocks are already there it would be great. I’ll post here if we have something. Thanks for the reply.

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I will also try to contribute to a Julia implementation. However, it is not my field.
I working on stability analysis of delay dynamical systems.
But I try to cooperate with my colleague with multi-axis tensile test, where the DIC is a must.

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