Seeking clarification on Ptr vs Ref in ccall

Suppose I have a C code

int sum(int *a, int n){
	int s = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
		s += a[i];
	return s;

and I can call this from Julia as

julia> ccall((:sum, "./"), Cint, (Ref{Cint},Cint), Cint[1,2,3], 3)

julia> ccall((:sum, "./"), Cint, (Ptr{Cint},Cint), Cint[1,2,3], 3)

which of these two is the recommended form? The section Calling C and Fortran Code · The Julia Language suggests

For C code accepting pointers, Ref{T} should generally be used for the types of input arguments

but I have come across many libraries using Ptr{T} as the argument type, with seemingly no difference in the outcome. My limited (And somewhat naive) understanding of this is that Ref{T} ensures that the GC doesn’t clear the underlying memory, whereas Ptr{T} offers no such guarantee. This would suggest that Ref{T} is the safer option.

Could someone suggest the correct form here? And is there a reason to prefer Ptr over Ref in certain scenarios?

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If the memory is managed by Julia, Ref is preferred.

The actual difference is that Base.cconvert will convert to a Base.RefArray before converting to a pointer.

julia> Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
Base.RefArray{Int32, Vector{Int32}, Nothing}(Int32[1, 2, 3], 1, nothing)

julia> Base.cconvert(Ptr{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
3-element Vector{Int32}:

In Initialize buffer for ccall - #2 by stevengj, the suggestion seems to be to use Ptr. Would it be more correct to pass a Ref in this instance?

If you have an Array object that you are passing, then Ptr and Ref will have essentially the same effect. If you don’t have an Array already, then Ref{T} allows you to pass a T object and it will create the Ref for you. You need to explicitly create an arg = Ref{T}() object if you want to inspect the value of arg[] after the call, but this is potentially cheaper than allocating an Array.

Semantically, a Ref{T} object acts like a zero-dimensional container of length 1 in Julia, so I think it’s clearer to use it in ccall only if the argument is used as a pointer to a single value, not a whole array. That’s really what Ref was designed for historically in Julia (it came long after Ptr).

So, in your sum function I would tend to pass a as Ptr{Cint} for a pointer to an arbitrary-length array. However, if you also passed a pointer to the result (= 1 number), I would use Ref for that argument. That is, if your C function looked like:

void sum(int *result, const int *array, int n) {
    /* ... store sum of array[i] values in *result ... */

then I would call it as:

a = Cint[1,2,3]
result = Ref{Cint}()
@ccall libsum.sum(result::Ref{Cint}, a::Ptr{Cint}, length(a)::Cint)::Cvoid
sum = result[]

Semantically, a RefArray acts like a 0-dimensional view of a single element, and can be used to reference an arbitrary element of an array:

julia> a = [3,1,4]
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> r = Ref(a, 3)
Base.RefArray{Int64, Vector{Int64}, Nothing}([3, 1, 4], 3, nothing)

julia> r[]

julia> length(r)

julia> ndims(r)

and I would tend to use it in that context (for passing pointers to individual elements, not the whole array).

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Thanks, that’s helpful. Does that mean the documentation stating

For C code accepting pointers, Ref{T} should generally be used for the types of input arguments

may clarify that this is unnecessary for julia arrays, and a Ptr may be passed instead? Tbh the documentation is quite vague on this, and a few examples suggesting the canonical use cases would be quite helpful.

Yes, I think that should be clarified.

Sorry for the slight high-jacking, but also in section Calling C and Fortran Code · The Julia Language this first was cryptic for me:

When calling Fortran, all inputs must be passed by pointers to heap- or stack-allocated values, so all type correspondences above should contain an additional Ptr{…}orRef{…} wrapper around their type specification.

After trial and error my conclusion was that in Fortran all arguments, even scalar ones, need to be passed as Ptr{..} or Ref{..}, same as sum in the C example above, and even so when the argument is intent(in). They also need to be initialized as Ref(...). Example:

a = Cint[1,2,3]
result = Ref(Cint(0))
len = Ref(Cint(length(a)))
@ccall libfortransum.sum(result::Ref{Cint}, a::Ptr{Cint}, len::Ref{Cint})::Cvoid
sum = result

Especially for Fortran I think that perhaps it should be clarified that a “wrapper” in the actual ccall is not sufficient. All scalars, whether input or output, must be initialized as Refs, and there Ptr does not work.

After Base.cconvert, Base.unsafe_convert would then convert the Base.RefArray to a Ptr:

$ julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.9.0-beta3 (2023-01-18)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
Base.RefArray{Int32, Vector{Int32}, Nothing}(Int32[1, 2, 3], 1, nothing)

julia> Base.unsafe_convert(Ref{Cint}, Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3]))
Ptr{Int32} @0x00007fbb60190860

julia> Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
Base.RefArray{Int32, Vector{Int32}, Nothing}(Int32[1, 2, 3], 1, nothing)

julia> @which Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
cconvert(T::Type, x)
     @ Base essentials.jl:492

julia> @which Base.convert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3])
convert(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::AbstractArray{T}) where T
     @ Base refpointer.jl:117

julia> @which Base.unsafe_convert(Ref{Cint}, Base.cconvert(Ref{Cint}, Cint[1,2,3]))
unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{T}}, x::Ref{T}) where T
     @ Base refpointer.jl:101

For Array, perhaps it does not matter. Might it matter for other kinds of AbstractArray?

No, I don’t think so.

In any case where you need a C-compatible pointer to multiple elements, not just one, then allocatedinline(T) must be true and it just calls pointer(array, i), which in turn just calls unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, array). So in the end it should be equivalent to Ptr{T}.

Hello! Sorry to resurrect this thread, buy I had the exact same question and I was wondering if there still is any interest in clarifying the documentation. I skimmed the 1.12-dev version docs and this does not seem to have been clarified yet.

Please feel free to submit a PR to the docs.

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I’m not sure I’m knowledgeable enough to do it though I can take a stab at it