I have to solve a MISOCP problem with JuMP and CPLEX but I really didn’t understand how to write the constraints with the new syntax in SecondOrderCone()
I need to minimize the squared norm of a vector in which I have my binary optimization variables, e.g.
Min(sum((y[n]-sum(x[n,j]*b[j] for j=1:J))^2 for n=1:N))
where x[n,j] are my binary opt variables and y and b are observed.
I can write the objective function in terms of constraints of the type:
@variable(m, w[n=1:N]>=0)
@objective(m, Min , sum(w[n] for n=1:N))
for n=1:N
@constraint(m, [w[n]; y[n]-sum(x[n,j]*b[j] for j=1:J)] in SecondOrderCone())
but it doesn’t work.
It says “ERROR: Constraints of type MathOptInterface.VectorAffineFunction{Float64}-in-MathOptInterface.SecondOrderCone are not supported by the solver and there are no bridges that can reformulate it into supported constraints.”
What can I do to solve my problem?
Thank you for your attention.