I was looking for a recipe for the type of plot used in Seaborn to group categorical data. The Countplot, shown below from python is what I want.
Is this implemented in julia or easy to do so?
I was looking for a recipe for the type of plot used in Seaborn to group categorical data. The Countplot, shown below from python is what I want.
With VegaLite.jl, something like this?
using DataFrames, VegaLite
df = DataFrame(is_bad=rand(Bool, 10_000))
df |> @vlplot(:bar, x="is_bad:n", y="count()")
This is not se easy to do in Plots, though the recipe would be easy to add.
using StatsBase, Plots
d = countmap(rand(0:1, 10_000))
bar(collect(keys(d)), collect(values(d)))
We should add a recipe for Dict
that obviated the bottom call.