I’m not sure what is actually unclear in the initial question.
I’m unable to provide a perfect MWE in order to protect the credentials and site.
What do I need to clarify?
Edit: I may be using the wrong terms given that I’m not very familiar with networking and HTTP. ‘Open a session’ is likely the wrong use of terms. I’m referring to the python code where a session is created…
Sorry for the slow response here; looking things over a bit, it seems like doing cookies=true should work for you (in terms of replicating the requests.Session functionality). There might be some kind of bug in the code here: https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/blob/master/src/CookieRequest.jl. If you could provide more details, we could perhaps figure out exactly what’s going wrong here. My personal approach would be to hopefully find a way to do the equivalent of HTTP.jl verbose=2 with the requests to see exactly the request/response headers that are getting sent/coming back. If you could see which cookies/headers the requests library is storing/sending, then it should be straightforward to see which ones HTTP.jl isn’t sending. We could then figure out why not, or at least as a work-around you could pass the right header/cookies yourself.