We have recently done some benchmarks to test the performance of DifferentialEquations.jl for parameter estimation for ODE models in the field of system biology. Overall, DifferentialEquations has performed great, but we have run into problems when trying to compute the gradient for stiff models via adjoint sensitivity analysis with a discrete cost function.
Below is a MVE for the Bachmann model (a stiff 21 state ODE model commonly used for benchmarks). Overall, for most parameter vectors the gradient is correctly computed when using adjoint_sensitivities, but for a subset of parameter vectors some entries in dgdu_discrete (below specifically dgdu_discrete[22] = -9e10) become very big which I think is the reason why we get the following error message from CVODE_BDF
Internal t = 120 and h = -7.58437e-17 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway.
Following this error message the code crashes (top stacktrace below).
We have tested several ODE solvers for solving the adjoint system. QNDF, FBDF run into the dtmin problem, and albeit successful TRBDF2 and the Rosenbrock solvers are too slow. We have also tested using the AMICI interface for Sundials (GitHub - AMICI-dev/AMICI: Advanced Multilanguage Interface to CVODES and IDAS) and it manages to compute the gradient via adjoint sensitivity analysis (albeit 67k integration steps are required when solving the adjoint ODE). All-to-all, I wonder if there is some option I have set incorrectly, or if there anything I can do to obtain the gradient for challenging cases like this?
MVE (running on Julia 1.8.5 on Ubuntu)
using ModelingToolkit # version = "8.46.0"
using OrdinaryDiffEq # version = "6.41.0"
using Sundials # version = "4.13.0"
using SciMLSensitivity # version = "7.19.0"
# Model name: model_Bachmann_MSB2011
# Number of parameters: 37
# Number of species: 25
function get_Bachmann_MSB2011()
ModelingToolkit.@variables t p1EpoRpJAK2(t) pSTAT5(t) EpoRJAK2_CIS(t) SOCS3nRNA4(t) SOCS3RNA(t) SHP1(t) STAT5(t) EpoRJAK2(t) CISnRNA1(t) SOCS3nRNA1(t) SOCS3nRNA2(t) CISnRNA3(t) CISnRNA4(t) SOCS3(t) CISnRNA5(t) SOCS3nRNA5(t) SOCS3nRNA3(t) SHP1Act(t) npSTAT5(t) p12EpoRpJAK2(t) p2EpoRpJAK2(t) CIS(t) EpoRpJAK2(t) CISnRNA2(t) CISRNA(t)
### Define parameters
ModelingToolkit.@parameters STAT5Exp STAT5Imp init_SOCS3_multiplier EpoRCISRemove STAT5ActEpoR SHP1ActEpoR JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 CISTurn SOCS3Turn init_EpoRJAK2_CIS SOCS3Inh ActD init_CIS_multiplier cyt CISRNAEqc JAK2ActEpo Epo SOCS3oe CISInh SHP1Dea SOCS3EqcOE CISRNADelay init_SHP1 CISEqcOE EpoRActJAK2 SOCS3RNAEqc CISEqc SHP1ProOE SOCS3RNADelay init_STAT5 CISoe CISRNATurn init_SHP1_multiplier init_EpoRJAK2 nuc EpoRCISInh STAT5ActJAK2 SOCS3RNATurn SOCS3Eqc
### Store parameters in array for ODESystem command
parameterArray = [STAT5Exp, STAT5Imp, init_SOCS3_multiplier, EpoRCISRemove, STAT5ActEpoR, SHP1ActEpoR, JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1, CISTurn, SOCS3Turn, init_EpoRJAK2_CIS, SOCS3Inh, ActD, init_CIS_multiplier, cyt, CISRNAEqc, JAK2ActEpo, Epo, SOCS3oe, CISInh, SHP1Dea, SOCS3EqcOE, CISRNADelay, init_SHP1, CISEqcOE, EpoRActJAK2, SOCS3RNAEqc, CISEqc, SHP1ProOE, SOCS3RNADelay, init_STAT5, CISoe, CISRNATurn, init_SHP1_multiplier, init_EpoRJAK2, nuc, EpoRCISInh, STAT5ActJAK2, SOCS3RNATurn, SOCS3Eqc]
### Define an operator for the differentiation w.r.t. time
D = Differential(t)
### Derivatives ###
eqs = [
D(p1EpoRpJAK2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRpJAK2 * EpoRActJAK2 / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (3 * EpoRActJAK2 * p1EpoRpJAK2 / ((SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (EpoRCISInh * EpoRJAK2_CIS + 1))))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p1EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1)),
D(pSTAT5) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (STAT5 * STAT5ActJAK2 * (EpoRpJAK2 + p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2 + p2EpoRpJAK2) / (init_EpoRJAK2 * (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1))))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (STAT5 * STAT5ActEpoR * (p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2)^(2) / ((init_EpoRJAK2)^(2) * (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (CIS * CISInh / CISEqc + 1))))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * STAT5Imp * pSTAT5),
D(EpoRJAK2_CIS) ~ -1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRJAK2_CIS * EpoRCISRemove * (p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2) / init_EpoRJAK2)),
D(SOCS3nRNA4) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA3 * SOCS3RNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA4 * SOCS3RNADelay),
D(SOCS3RNA) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA5 * SOCS3RNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * SOCS3RNA * SOCS3RNATurn),
D(SHP1) ~ -1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (SHP1 * SHP1ActEpoR * (EpoRpJAK2 + p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2 + p2EpoRpJAK2) / init_EpoRJAK2))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * SHP1Dea * SHP1Act),
D(STAT5) ~ -1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (STAT5 * STAT5ActJAK2 * (EpoRpJAK2 + p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2 + p2EpoRpJAK2) / (init_EpoRJAK2 * (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1))))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (STAT5 * STAT5ActEpoR * (p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2)^(2) / ((init_EpoRJAK2)^(2) * (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (CIS * CISInh / CISEqc + 1))))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (nuc * STAT5Exp * npSTAT5),
D(EpoRJAK2) ~ -1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (Epo * EpoRJAK2 * JAK2ActEpo / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRpJAK2 * JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act / init_SHP1))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p1EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p2EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p12EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1)),
D(CISnRNA1) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * (CISRNAEqc * CISRNATurn * npSTAT5 * ActD / init_STAT5))-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA1 * CISRNADelay),
D(SOCS3nRNA1) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * (SOCS3RNAEqc * SOCS3RNATurn * npSTAT5 * ActD / init_STAT5))-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA1 * SOCS3RNADelay),
D(SOCS3nRNA2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA1 * SOCS3RNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA2 * SOCS3RNADelay),
D(CISnRNA3) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA2 * CISRNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA3 * CISRNADelay),
D(CISnRNA4) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA3 * CISRNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA4 * CISRNADelay),
D(SOCS3) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (SOCS3RNA * SOCS3Eqc * SOCS3Turn / SOCS3RNAEqc))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * SOCS3 * SOCS3Turn)+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * SOCS3oe * SOCS3Eqc * SOCS3Turn * SOCS3EqcOE),
D(CISnRNA5) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA4 * CISRNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA5 * CISRNADelay),
D(SOCS3nRNA5) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA4 * SOCS3RNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA5 * SOCS3RNADelay),
D(SOCS3nRNA3) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA2 * SOCS3RNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * SOCS3nRNA3 * SOCS3RNADelay),
D(SHP1Act) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (SHP1 * SHP1ActEpoR * (EpoRpJAK2 + p12EpoRpJAK2 + p1EpoRpJAK2 + p2EpoRpJAK2) / init_EpoRJAK2))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * SHP1Dea * SHP1Act),
D(npSTAT5) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (cyt * STAT5Imp * pSTAT5)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * STAT5Exp * npSTAT5),
D(p12EpoRpJAK2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (3 * EpoRActJAK2 * p1EpoRpJAK2 / ((SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (EpoRCISInh * EpoRJAK2_CIS + 1))))+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRActJAK2 * p2EpoRpJAK2 / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p12EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1)),
D(p2EpoRpJAK2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (3 * EpoRpJAK2 * EpoRActJAK2 / ((SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (EpoRCISInh * EpoRJAK2_CIS + 1))))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRActJAK2 * p2EpoRpJAK2 / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act * p2EpoRpJAK2 / init_SHP1)),
D(CIS) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (CISRNA * CISEqc * CISTurn / CISRNAEqc))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * CIS * CISTurn)+1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * CISEqc * CISTurn * CISEqcOE * CISoe),
D(EpoRpJAK2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (Epo * EpoRJAK2 * JAK2ActEpo / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRpJAK2 * JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 * SHP1Act / init_SHP1))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (EpoRpJAK2 * EpoRActJAK2 / (SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1)))-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * (3 * EpoRpJAK2 * EpoRActJAK2 / ((SOCS3 * SOCS3Inh / SOCS3Eqc + 1) * (EpoRCISInh * EpoRJAK2_CIS + 1)))),
D(CISnRNA2) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA1 * CISRNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /nuc ) * (nuc * CISnRNA2 * CISRNADelay),
D(CISRNA) ~ +1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (nuc * CISnRNA5 * CISRNADelay)-1.0 * ( 1 /cyt ) * (cyt * CISRNA * CISRNATurn)
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, stateArray, parameterArray)
### Initial species concentrations ###
initialSpeciesValues = [
p1EpoRpJAK2 => 0.0,
pSTAT5 => 0.0,
EpoRJAK2_CIS => init_EpoRJAK2_CIS,
SOCS3nRNA4 => 0.0,
SOCS3RNA => 0.0,
SHP1 => init_SHP1 * (init_SHP1_multiplier * SHP1ProOE + 1),
STAT5 => init_STAT5,
EpoRJAK2 => init_EpoRJAK2,
CISnRNA1 => 0.0,
SOCS3nRNA1 => 0.0,
SOCS3nRNA2 => 0.0,
CISnRNA3 => 0.0,
CISnRNA4 => 0.0,
SOCS3 => init_SOCS3_multiplier * SOCS3EqcOE * SOCS3Eqc,
CISnRNA5 => 0.0,
SOCS3nRNA5 => 0.0,
SOCS3nRNA3 => 0.0,
SHP1Act => 0.0,
npSTAT5 => 0.0,
p12EpoRpJAK2 => 0.0,
p2EpoRpJAK2 => 0.0,
CIS => init_CIS_multiplier * CISEqc * CISEqcOE,
EpoRpJAK2 => 0.0,
CISnRNA2 => 0.0,
CISRNA => 0.0
### SBML file parameter values ###
trueParameterValues = [
STAT5Exp => 0.0745150819016423,
STAT5Imp => 0.0268865083829685,
init_SOCS3_multiplier => 0.0,
EpoRCISRemove => 5.42980693903448,
STAT5ActEpoR => 38.9957991073948,
SHP1ActEpoR => 0.00100000000000006,
JAK2EpoRDeaSHP1 => 142.72332309738,
CISTurn => 0.0083988695167017,
SOCS3Turn => 9999.99999999912,
init_EpoRJAK2_CIS => 0.0,
SOCS3Inh => 10.4078649133666,
ActD => 1.25e-7,
init_CIS_multiplier => 0.0,
cyt => 0.4,
CISRNAEqc => 1.0,
JAK2ActEpo => 633167.430600806,
Epo => 1.25e-7,
SOCS3oe => 1.25e-7,
CISInh => 7.85269991450496e8,
SHP1Dea => 0.00816220490950374,
SOCS3EqcOE => 0.679165515556864,
CISRNADelay => 0.14477775532111,
init_SHP1 => 26.7251164277109,
CISEqcOE => 0.530264447119609,
EpoRActJAK2 => 0.267304849333058,
SOCS3RNAEqc => 1.0,
CISEqc => 432.860413434913,
SHP1ProOE => 2.82568153411555,
SOCS3RNADelay => 1.06458446742251,
init_STAT5 => 79.75363993771,
CISoe => 1.25e-7,
CISRNATurn => 999.999999999946,
init_SHP1_multiplier => 1.0,
init_EpoRJAK2 => 3.97622369384192,
nuc => 0.275,
EpoRCISInh => 999999.999999912,
STAT5ActJAK2 => 0.0781068855795467,
SOCS3RNATurn => 0.00830917643120369,
SOCS3Eqc => 173.64470023136
return sys, initialSpeciesValues, trueParameterValues
# Observable function G
function computeG(u, p, t, σ)
h = u[22]
dataObserved = [29.061794973113646, 26.097567191289983, 19.65239347179184]
σ = exp10(-3.0)
G = 0.0
for i in eachindex(dataObserved)
G += log(σ) + 0.5*log(2*pi) + log(log(10)) + log(10)*log10(dataObserved[i]) + 0.5*(log10(h) - log10(dataObserved[i]) / σ)^2
return G
function compute∂G∂u(out, u, p, t, i)
dataObserved = [29.061794973113646, 26.097567191289983, 19.65239347179184]
σ = exp10(-3.0)
h = u[22]
out .= 0.0
for i in eachindex(dataObserved)
∂h∂u = zeros(length(u))
∂h∂u[22] = 1
∂h∂u .*= (1 / (log(10) * h)) * (log10(exp10(h)) - log10(dataObserved[i])) / σ^2
out .+= ∂h∂u
sys, stateMap, parameterMap = get_Bachmann_MSB2011()
odeProblem = ODEProblem{true, SciMLBase.FullSpecialize}(sys, stateMap, [0.0, 130.0], parameterMap, jac=true)
# Parameter vector and initial value vector that crashes
p = [26.56087782946684, 0.0011497569953977356, 0.0, 0.037649358067924674, 0.11497569953977356, 2.848035868435802, 1.291549665014884, 7.56463327554629, 0.02595024211399736, 0.0, 0.007054802310718645, 1.0, 0.0, 0.4, 1.0, 1.629750834620647e6, 1.25e-7, 0.0, 2.1544346900318843, 0.024770763559917114, 0.001747528400007683, 0.5336699231206307, 0.014174741629268055, 0.3511191734215131, 104.7615752789664, 1.0, 0.0016297508346206436, 1.232846739442066, 1.6297508346206435, 0.0657933224657568, 0.0, 0.005336699231206312, 0.0, 13.219411484660288, 0.275, 351119.17342151277, 0.003511191734215131, 0.6135907273413176, 0.1519911082952933]
u0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.014174741629268055, 0.0657933224657568, 13.219411484660288, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
odeProblem.p .= p
odeProblem.u0 .= u0
solForward = solve(odeProblem, CVODE_BDF(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
du, dp = adjoint_sensitivities(solForward, CVODE_BDF(), dgdu_discrete=compute∂G∂u, t=[120.0],
abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
Stacktrace (only the top as else I hit the character limit for the post)
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Vector{Float64} at index [0]
[1] getindex
@ ./array.jl:924 [inlined]