Saving/loading a neural network trained with NeuralPDE

Hello everybody,

I am using neuralPDE to train neural networks and I wish to save them in files to use them later. It works just fine if I use the standard Lux layers. Yet I wish to use the following custom layer at the end of the model, in order to inforce the initial conditions in the architecture of the neural network:

   struct ICLayer_1D <: Lux.AbstractExplicitContainerLayer{(:model,)}
        model       # Model of the layer
        IC_fct      # Initial condition function
        t0          # Initial time
        layers      # Layers of the model

    function ICLayer_1D(model, IC_fct, t0)
        # Constructor of the layer
        return ICLayer_1D(model, IC_fct, t0, model.layers)

    function (n::ICLayer_1D)(input, ps, st)
        # Operation of the layer
        # The model model must have 2 inputs and 3 outputs.
        # IC_fct must have 1 input.

        # Get model's inputs
        t = input[1,:]
        x = input[2,:]

        # Get model's outputs
        output, st_new = n.model(input, ps, st)

        # Expression of the layers inputs
        α   = (t .- n.t0) .* output[1,:] .+ 1.0
        ξ_x = (t .- n.t0) .* output[2,:] .+ x
        β   = (t .- n.t0) .* output[3,:]

        # Output of the layer
        return α.*n.IC_fct.(ξ_x) .+ β, st_new

I have saved the parameters and the model is a JLD2 file and when I try to reconstruct the model using the command

ps, st = Lux.setup(Random.default_rng(), nn)

where nn is the loaded neural network, I get the following error:

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching initialparameters(::TaskLocalRNG, ::JLD2.ReconstructedMutable{:ICLayer_1D, (:model, :IC_fct, :t0, :layers), NTuple{4, Any}})

Closest candidates are:
  initialparameters(::AbstractRNG, ::Any)
   @ LuxCore ~/.julia/packages/LuxCore/biwfu/src/LuxCore.jl:66
  initialparameters(::AbstractRNG, ::InstanceNorm)
   @ Lux ~/.julia/packages/Lux/JXc6P/src/layers/normalize.jl:354
  initialparameters(::AbstractRNG, ::NeuralPDE.dgm_lstm_layer)
   @ NeuralPDE ~/.julia/packages/NeuralPDE/IUP3N/src/dgm.jl:18

Would anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you for your answers!

Please try to define your custom layer struct in the new session before attempting to load the file.

In general, it is not recommended to serialize Lux models. We guarantee that saved parameters and states can be loaded if there isn’t a breaking change. The same guarantee doesn’t hold for saving the architecture.

But in this specific scenario, @JonasIsensee’s suggestion will probably work

Perfect, It indeed works.