Save dispatched function for later call

I have only one observation yet to note.

If I compare speeds:

function l(ops, a, b)
	for op in ops

ops_s=[:ADD, :ADD, :MUL, :ADD, :SUBS, :SUBS, :MUL, :MUL]
opp=[+, +, *, +, -, -, *, *]
w_op=[FunctionWrapper{Int, Tuple{Int, Int}}(op) for op in opp]

@btime $l($opp, $a, $b)
@btime $l($w_op, $a, $b)

function h(ops, a, b)
	for op in ops
		if op == :ADD
			+(a, b)
		elseif op == :SUBS
			-(a, b)
		elseif op == :MUL
			*(a, b)
		elseif op == :DIV
			/(a, b)
@btime $h($ops_s, $a, $b)

The results:

   155.907 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
   40.175 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
   3.876 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

I notice we do at least 2,3 more if in the case of h(…) functon calls and it is sort of scaling linearly with the type of operation calls. But we still get a fairly better speed, do we have still some speed lose during the FunctionWrapper calls?

h(...) is a compilable function, that is why it is really fast I know… but isn’t the i(...) with the wrapped version should be fine? Where do we lose speed with the FunctionWrapper version? Shouldn’t it be comparable in speed?