Is it possible to throw an exception automatically when something like this happens:
print(typemax(UInt) + 2)
This returns 1
Is it possible to throw an exception automatically when something like this happens:
print(typemax(UInt) + 2)
This returns 1
There is:
julia> Base.Checked.checked_add(typemax(UInt), 2)
ERROR: OverflowError()
[1] checked_add at ./checked.jl:165 [inlined]
[2] checked_add(::UInt64, ::Int64) at ./checked.jl:19
You could create a package that defines Integer types that use Base.Checked
routines for all arithmetic operations. See RoundingIntegers as a possible starting point.
untested – and the floor is open to suggestions while I am here today.
wow, nice!! I think this will be useful.