Running for loop in parallel and appending result to vector

rand() is not thread-safe. You can solve that by creating a separate RNG per thread. See sample code below.

Also note that you should use @btime in BenchmarkTools instead of @time if you want to measure time somewhat accurately.

I also got rid of the Distributed and @everywhere stuff since it’s not needed for multi-threading. And I’ll repeat my earlier question – are you looking for multi-threading (single computer, multiple cores), or parallel computing (cluster, several distributed machines)? What does your cluster look like? The code below does multi-threading only.

Finally note that since your function main is so short in this example, the way you’re splitting work per thread will incur a lot of overhead. So you can’t expect to see a speedup linear to the number of threads used. There are ways around that, if indeed the work done per iteration is so small. A simple way is to handle batches at a time instead of individual elements.

const RNG = 1:Threads.nthreads() .|>_-> MersenneTwister()

function main(rng)
    roll = rand(rng)
    pars = rand(rng, 5)
    status = roll < 0.5 ? "cure" : "progression"
    (roll, status, pars)

function serial(f,nT)
    results = Array{Tuple{Float64,String,Array{Float64}}}(undef,nT)
    rng = MersenneTwister()
    for n = 1 : nT
        results[n] = f(rng)
    return results

function threaded(f,nT)
    results = Array{Tuple{Float64,String,Array{Float64}}}(undef,nT)
    Threads.@threads for n = 1 : nT
        rng = RNG[Threads.threadid()]
        results[n] = f(rng)
    return results

nT = 10^5

@time serialresults = serial(main, nT)
@time threadedresults = threaded(main, nT)
