I have a project with lots of modules I’m actively developing. But I also want to run some long running tasks based on it and occasionally update that, so I’ve been running a repl in vscode to develop, and a second one in a bash console (on Windows). Using Julia version 1.7.1
In general, it is working fine, but I always get a lot of warnings:
┌ Warning: Module Expirations with build ID 756185423171742 is missing from the cache.
│ This may mean Expirations [top-level] does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.
└ @ Base loading.jl:1107
These warnings only happen when I have both repls running. In the second repl, I don’t have using Revise
but in vscode I do (which is deliberate, I don’t want that repl to update code as I edit). I tried running the second console with --compiled-modules=no but that didn’t seem to make a difference.
The second repl, I do run with --project and so they are sharing the same project files/environment. Do I need to somehow tell them to use different environments? But they do need to use the same project files.