I want to run one command to open a program. Then do a second command in this program.
For instance in the below case the first line opens a psql session and the second should insert some data via a csv file.
line2= ` \\COPY $schema_name.$table_name \( $DATABASE_COLUMNS \) FROM $FILENAME csv header \; `
I am struggling to do this via a pipeline. The best I have got is:
pstdin = Pipe()
pstdout = Pipe()
pstderr = Pipe()
proc = run(pipeline(line1,
stdin = pstdin, stdout = pstdout, stderr = pstderr),
wait = false)
If you run process_running(proc)
it seems like I have a process running psql. But I am not sure how to then send each command to this running process.
Any ideas how to do this?
The documentation suggests something like:
run(pipeline(line1 , line2));
should send each command in turn but this did not work for me (I guess as second command is run in program started by the first).