julia> using JuliaDB
julia> t = table([0.01, 0.05], [2,1], [3,4], names=[:t, :x, :y], pkey=:t)
Table with 2 rows, 3 columns:
t x y
0.01 2 3
0.05 1 4
julia> insertcolsafter(t, :t, :w => [0,1])
Table with 2 rows, 4 columns:
t w x y
0.01 0 2 3
0.05 1 1 4
Slightly wrong syntax. You may always have a look with:
help?> insertcolsafter
search: insertcolsafter
insertcolsafter(t, after, map::Pair...)
For each pair name => col in map, insert a column col named name after after. Returns a new table.
t = table([0.01, 0.05], [2,1], [3,4], names=[:t, :x, :y], pkey=:t)
insertcolsafter(t, :t, :w => [0,1])
pressing ? and using TAB completion is of great help here.